5; Sheets

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To say that car ride was awkward would be an understatement. 

Damon was fuming in the back seat, by himself. Manny was the only thing making noise. The two boys looked like nothing happened but concerned about Damon. Taylor was on the verge of falling asleep and I was still thinking about Mason. 

His tall frame, his knowledge, and his voice...

Well, that was a while ago. Now, Manny won't shut up, Taylor is probably sleeping at home, Jared and Ed are passed out, snoring on my couch, and Damon's locked up in his room. He hasn't said a word to me and it scares me. 

The front door slams open. A drunk, troubled man who once soothed me to sleep, walked in. I didn't need him to be like this now.  I just wanted everything to turn out right. 

"There's that annoying sound again." He said to himself. 

I cooed the baby to please be quiet. The last thing I want was to have to fight with him. I didn't want him or anyone hurt right now. I wasn't sure why, but I seemed so stressed. 

Manny settled down. I kissed his head and carried him to his room and carefully set him in his crib.  He was now settled in nicely and I shut the light off on my way out. I passed Damon's room to hear nothing and it made me sigh. 

My father was now in his room and snoring. I slowly closed his door and returned to my room. 

My room wasn't much. Once you walked through the threshold, there was my bed, a foot of room, and then a window. To the left of the door was my closet, a dresser and a door to my bathroom.  My room was the only one with a bathroom and it was something I loved. For one, it's always clean. Two, it's mine and no one else uses it. Three, it's close to my bed. 

I sat on my bed. It was a nice bed with fluffy sheets and a nice comforter. It was simple and perfect. I laid back and stared at the ceiling. 

Life suddenly seemed too hard. It was almost like I was depressed even though earlier today, I was fine. I just need something to lift me back up. 

I want a puppy...

I heard a vibrating noise coming off my sheets. Trying to find the source, I realized it was my phone.  I finally found the old phone and pressed the answer button. 

"Hello?" I asked, not sure of who it was and why.

"Hey, Cassadee, this is Mason." I knew that as the first word escaped his mouth. I could hear the smile in his voice and it made one appear on my face. 

"Oh, hi, Mason. How are you?"

"I'm good. And you?

I sighed, "I'm fine."

"I know something to cheer you up. Let's play a game. Like twenty questions so I know about you and you know about me."

I giggled, "Alright. I'll ask a question. Hmm....Who would you say has had the biggest impact on you in your life?"

"Oh.. Hard questions. Alright, I would say my mother. She raised me even though I wasn't hers. It's a long story but she was always there for me. Now, you have to answer and then I ask a question."

"Oh, great.. Let's think..." 

I was trying to think of something positive but I couldn't. My dad impacted my life but it usually meant he did something he shouldn't had. Gia was here but left me to be a mother when I was still a child myself. Damon was a problem child but he brought joy to my life. 

"I would say my brother. Just because he's been there through thick and thin."

"So, you and your brother are close?"

"I would say so. We usually get along well and he's a good kid."

"He cares about you."

"Yeah, I know... a little too much but he's sweet."

"So, what is the most stupidest thing you've ever done?"

"Wow, that's hard. I would have to say when I gave myself a concussion."

He chuckled, "How'd you do that?"

"Well, my friend got a new car and she asked me to pop the trunk, so I did and I thought it would stay up but instead it slammed on my head."

He chuckled at my stupidity.

"Now you have to answer."

"Well, I would say when I locked myself in a freezer. I literally just walked in, closed the door, and sat there. "

"Wow..." I laughed. I could see Mason being stupid and doing something like that.

As the questions went by, they started to get harder. It did take me some time to find some answers that made me realize how deep we were getting. I liked it and I found out things I never knew about myself or anyone else. Mason seemed to be a great man and made me only want to find out more. 

"So, what's the thing you look for most in a guy?" Mason said, gaining confidence.

"Well, I never actually looked for anything. But, I guess I like guys who I can talk to and not have to hide anything. Or someone I could be honest with and for them to treat me the same way I treat them which would be good, I think."

"Wow, were you describing me?" He joked but held a truth-full-ness in his voice. "I would say I look for most in a girl would be her. Just her morals and her personality."

"That was cute." I joked too. 

We talked more until I looked outside. The sun was starting to come up. 

"So, I was thinking that today, if you were free, we could go to the beach together." He asked, a slight shake evident in his voice. 

I thought about it. I wanted to go. Emily could cover me. Damon could go over someone's house. Manny. Could I have Emily pick him up later?

"Hmm, I think I can but I'll call you back either way."

"O-okay. Um, so call me back later?" He got nervous again.



"I'll talk to you later, Mason. "

"Bye, Cass."

"Bye, Mason."

I hung up and smiled into my sheets. I talked to him for hours. It seemed so easy and there was never a dull moment. It was only five so I set my alarm for six and closed my eyes.

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