A couple of minutes later we are all seated in the meeting room
"I just got off the phone with one of our informants who said the Bratstvo is planning to attack one of our casinos tonight." Nicolaas starts. "I hacked into their computer system and found a blue print of the New Queen Casino. It had the entire building in it, so that means they have been there before and know how the building works."

"How many people are coming?"
"I don't know. So you will have to go in blind."
I nod, "Thank you Nicolaas. We need a plan." I look around the table, waiting for input from the other guys.
"Go in there and shoot the bastards. What other plan would we need?" Aro says.
"But that is not a complete plan though." Joel answers, earning a glare from his twin.

"You two are not coming. And neither is Eliot. Itms to risky." I interfere.
"But Gabe,"
"No! Last time you got shot. I will not let that happen again. Ones your training is completed we will talk about this again, but for now I want you two to stay here and watch over the girls."
Joel opens his mouth to say something, but I'm quicker then him, "That is not up for discussion. You wíll stay here."
They both huffed and looked t each other, clearly unhappy with my decision.

"Nico, you will stay in too. I need you to get into the security system of the casino and keep a look at everything through the cameras. You are our eyes in and outside of the building."
Nicolaas nods and leaves the room to set up his equipment.

"River call the casino and let them know what is happening. Raphael I need you to call in some people. We will need backup. Tell them to meet the three of us there at six. We will bring the Bratstvo down and tonight is our first move."


So, you are saying that you knew all of this for months and you didn't tell me a thing?" Christy asks annoyed while she walks around my room. "And you life here now? How could I not know that?!"

Raphael had told Christy everything about his work with the gang, but he left out some details about my involvement. So once we had gotten upstairs she had demanded that I told her everything else.

"It wasn't my place to tell you Christy." I try ti reason with her, but it doesn't seem to work.
"You could have at least given me a heads up or something."
"Why? Would that have changed the way you feel about Raphael?"
"Probably not."
"Well then. Case closed."

Christy sighs and sits down on the bed next to me. "How are you holding up with all this?" She asks, "I know about your sad, you told me that before and Raph may have said some small thing too."
"Things are going as good as they can I think. Gabriel is doing everything he can to make me feel comfortable with all this. Plus the guys are actually really nice and fun to be around."
"And we both got one completely for ourselves. We did good didn't we?"
"We sure did." I answer with a small giggle.

"You did what?" Raphael's head appears in the door opening, followed by a serious looking Gabriel.
"Found this awesome guy," Christy answers while she walks up to Raphael, "but I somehow ended up dating you."
"You are so nice." Raphael answers as he softly kisses Christy.
I look at them with a smile, glad that they found each other like this.

Gabriel moves over and comes to sit next to me. "We actually came here to tell you girls something."
"Everything okay?" I ask, not liking the way Gabriel said that.
"Yeah, we just have some business to do. Nothing you need to worry about angel."

"We thought you two would like it to both stay here tonight." Raphael chips in and Christy's eyes immediately start to twinkle.
"Girls night!" She cheers

I look at Gabriel, knowing that 'some businesses' probably doesn't mean anything good.
"I will be back before you can me miss me angel. And Eliot, Aro and Joel will stay here, so if you need anything you can ask one of them."
I nod and Gabriel gives me a small kiss.
"I'll see you soon mio angelo."
"Be safe." I tell him before he and Raphael leave.


We meet everyone in the V.I.P. Lounge of the casino to go over the plan one last time before going in and waiting for those assholes to come in.

While checking my phone I take my place at the bar.
I order Sam and Hunter to watch the house from the outside this evening without telling then where I would go. Hunter tried to get it out of me, but I kept my mouth shut. We still haven't found out who the mol is and I don't want to take any risks.

Nicolaas 23:52 : First 2 coming in right now.

Nicolaas' text lights up my phone and I signal the others to get ready

Nicolaas 23:59 : 4 more at the back door. 5 entering up front

As if on que one of the man who walked in takes out his gun and holds it up. But before he can do something one of my man shoots him down.
Soon after that the customers start to panic and run around, making it easier for me and my man to get closer to the Bratstvo bastards without being seen.

I take down the four man who came from the back and join the others up front to help them.
"Don't kill all of them. I want one to bring a message back to Samuel. He needs to know that he can't play with us. I am still the leader of this damn city!
Si inchinerà per me."


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