C39. Well Done Please

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Beam POV

"Jesus Christ!"

Forth wailed instead of giving me an explanation as my foot automatically went up to kick his left leg. He is hopping around like a rabbit as he rub the injured one.
Then, he narrowed his eyes and pointed at me. I can tell he is losing his temper already.

"Hobbit! I'm warning you!
If you hit me ever again..."

And I did.
This time I kick his other foot and I take pleasure as he continue whimpering in front of me.

"Aww! What is wrong with you?! FUCKED...!
Your so....Shit! I'm gonna...!"
He cuss in between deep breathes.

I cross my arms as I look at him with an unyielding determination to fight him back. What is there to be afraid of anymore?
I'll either burn the house down or poison somebody to death by sundown. I won't lose anything by provoking him more.

"You're gonna do what, Forth?"
I said with the same grim face as him.
He just look at me first for several seconds as his face became flushed red all of a sudden.

"Nothing babe."
He finally said with a crooked smile.

He should know better not to anger me more at this point.

"But I'm really tempted to hump your butt till you drop right now." He said out of the blue with a true intent painted all over his face.

I was left dumbfounded. He's dirty mind is really inconceivable to even be thinking of sex in times like this. When I on the other hand have my mind working overtime, just thinking of the possible ways I can manage to prepare something that would be edible.

My feet went up instinctively to crush his groin but Forth inadvertently block my kick.

"You can hit any parts of my body all you can, But I won't forgive you if you injure junior today. This...." He point the bump in between his legs.

"....Will be working extra today."

He is smiling smugly at my burning face as his words implants images of the possibility of him digging me deep.

I did not respond to him. Instead, I immediately step out of our room while I still can and ran towards the kitchen. I should keep my distance from Forth especially that there's no doubt that he can easily pin me down if that's what he really wanted.

"Where are you going?! Hobbit wait up!"

I pretended not to hear him as I continue my way towards the kitchen.

Once inside, I saw his mother opening a bottle of champagne and pouring them into two glasses.

"There you are." She said the moment she saw me. She handed me a glass filled of champagne and although I promised not to drink up again. I am tempted to ease my nervousness.

"So, what's the menu for tonight, Baramee?" She's smiling widely at me.

I froze into place. I could only offer her my fake smile as an answer right now. I truly don't have any idea what to prepare actually. However, at times like this it's better to choose the lesser evil.

I rather cook than be cooked by Forth.

"Ahmmm...Do you like vegetable salads?"
I ask timidly.
Forth POV

I am smiling from ear to ear as I follow Beam. He is looking as adorable as ever as he sprint away from me.

He should be if I were him to. My self-control is not something to be trusted right now. After days of deprivation and countless instances where I practice self-restraint not to devour that sexy husband of mine. Who can blame me for being turned on this easily? Even his scent is like an aphrodisiac to me now. What more if he is bare and I can feel his warm beneath me.

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