C16. Face It Once

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Phana POV

"Beam sorry about...Forth is just..."
I stopped in the middle of my sentence...unable to continue...I felt uneasy seeing how impassive Beam look.

He didn't even bat an eye and continued to be quiet. Actually...everyone, including I and Kit was not saying anything and if we do it was just about a certain topic for our paper. But other than that I personally was too scared to speak.

But who can blame me. I anxious because of the incident between Forth and Beam, but even with everything that has happened, the person involve is so calm and collected.

To me, that's even scarier face than Forth's. It's like I'm in a horror movie and at any moment a ghost may appear and we'll all scream and DIE..

 It's like I'm in a horror movie and at any moment a ghost may appear and we'll all scream and DIE

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Okay! That's an exaggeration!

But all I can hear is the sound of his keyboard and Kit chewing his gum, but even with this noise, silence is still deafening my ears. I felt like one wrong tik and Beam will explode.

That's why I'm been trying to break the silence. However, I don't know how to start conversing with Beam. What can I say to justify what Forth just did?

He might be helpless at this point, but maybe somehow I can find the right words to ease the tension right now.

Or not...

Anyways, I'll just try. I would love to say something nice about Forth. Like he is a gentle, kind and loving human being. But who am I kidding, that is everything his not.


I wanted to be on Beam's side at this point, deep inside I want to spank Forth's buttocks so badly! That stubborn bull has really no limitations every time he is angry and sometimes he unknowingly hurt people that matters the most to him!

"He--he--he is jus--tt..." I stutter as I speak.

"a Dick? Ahhh no-no-no...He is just a naturally born JACKASS?!!" Kit tried to complete my sentence with a smug on his face as he pop his bubble gum.

"He is not all bad!" I glared at Kit but instead he just gave me a dirty finger!

I just breath heavily, I rather not pick a fight with this two. He is somewhat right! What Forth did was really horrible. But I stopped my trail of thought as Beam finally...after an hour or so spoke a word.

"Done!" Beam exclaim. "I've sent it hopefully our analysis is good enough to mislook other flaws...but other than that we're good, right?" He looked at us looking for some confirmation.

I just looked at him then to Kit who just raised his hands like he is surrendering an arrest...looking bewildered too...

"I think so...."I answered Beam.

"Good! I think were done here." He said while closing his laptop and started to clear his things.

He then gave us a crooked smile.

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