C12. Forth's Rules

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Beam POV

"Ahhnmm...are you trying to build a landfill?!" I told him as I grimaced the pile of empty bottles in his living room.

The foyer and living room was supposed to be welcoming but as I step into Forth's place. I was awe to be welcomed by piles of garbages! How did he manage to wrecked this place on his own?

Now, I'm afraid of saying I'm I'm starting to regret agreeing to stay at his place. He do live in a very privilege life. Living at one of the renowned real property in the city and to own its penthouse at his age, it speaks a lot of how rich his family is.

But, I'll rather live at my own apartment still even if its small, I tried to keep it neat, clean and homey. It is a total opposite of Forth's home. It's big, full of expensive furnitures but it's cold.

I saw him kick one of the empty boxes to clear our path. I cannot believe at how he manage to navigate around these obstacles.

"No wonder you brought me here. Did you have a party last night?" I asked him while pointing the empty bag of chips and alcoholic drinks in his kitchen counter top. But as I looked around more thoroughly, I can see that there are dust everywhere. It seems that it has been this way for quite some time.

"I guess not." I whispered to myself.

Forth just gave me an evil eye. "It was actually clean weeks before unfortunately you missed it." He then turned his back at me as he started to pick up some of the empty fast food boxes and stacked it on the kitchen counter.

"I was just busy at school and with our SOTUS activities, I don't bother much about the mess."He looked at my face and smiled. "That's why I need you, Hobbit"

"What you need it not a hobbit or a medical student. At this rate, I would have called the whole housekeeping department!" I snapped at him.

"But then, I don't want anyone except you..."I saw him walking towards me and my heart started to pound like crazy. That look in his eyes is dangerous. We are all alone, if he kiss me now, god knows what could happen after. I needed to think and distract him...FAST!

"How much is the rent?!" I said all of the sudden. "I don't think I can afford it here, Forth"

Forth suddenly stopped moving forward. Which I'm trully thankfull for. But then he became serious all of the sudden. "I'm not asking you to." he said with a frown.

"I'll look for another place then!" I told him before I walk towards the door.

"Stop before I make you!" Forth said. He said it without shouting but ultimately I stop. His stern voice can make you to but there's no way I'm backing down as well.

"I don't take things for free. If I did I should have agreed to live with Kit's family long before. But I didn't so you either take the rent or I'm walking out that door." I also said very strongly at him.

"I'm really regretting not beating up that friend of yours! You're making me furious hearing some guy offering you a home other than me!" His face indeed looked darker than before "Obviously, he too doesn't take any rent because he wanted to help you out!"

"Do I look that helpless to you?" I asked Forth. I'm not shouting but my hands are already trembling from anger.

"That's not the point, Hobbit!" He looked up as he sighed heavily before putting his arms on his waist. He looked like he is trying to control himself too.

"What is it then?!" I snapped. "Just take the freaking money what is so hard about that?"

"I don't need it! Last time I checked I still have plently on my account. All I want is YOU!!!"

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