C25. Get Me A Body Bag

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Phana POV

"Is he?" Beam asked me again.

"Is he.....?"
That's the first way to go if you can't answer anyone truthfully, ask them back. Literally, with the same question they asked you.

It's a stupid come back move, but that's make sense knowing it was stupid anyways to reveal Forth's engagement in the first place.

My insides though are turning like I'm about to be sick. But no matter how dumb my move is, I am praying to all the gods, please help me out on this one.

"Don't play dumb! You said Forth's engage with someone..." Kit implied further.

"Ahmmm...well...technically I didn't say Forth's name" I argued.

"......" Kit said while rolling his eyes.

"You bragged about having a high IQ and all you can come up as an excuse is not using Forth's name?" Kit snapped back

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"You bragged about having a high IQ and all you can come up as an excuse is not using Forth's name?"
Kit snapped back.

"Give him an hour or so Kit, he'll think of a better excuse." Beam smirked at me.
"Though, its a waste of time really, when you kinda spilled the beans already.
If would have been acceptable if we were complete dumbos, Phana. But we're not." He added.

Kit nodded at Beam in total agreement.
"He's right you know, You first handed us the information. Although I still don't understand why you would tell one's engagement to someone to his boyfriend.

See how your reasoning is clouded?
You could have spilled Forth's worst gang fights or how he might have killed someone who pissed him off. It's a sign of your lack of brain connections." "

I looked at him with narrowed eyes.
He really don't miss a chance to throw shades at me. But Kit heedless to my reaction. Instead he further rubbed my already wounded ego.

Although, I could easily understand where they are coming from, but why do they always associate gruesome deaths and Forth. I do know now that mine is forthcoming for being a big-mouthed baffon.

However, they were right though. I couldn't deny it any further as I melted the butter into my mouth willingly with zero effort from both of them.

"Okay!" I exclaimed.
"But you need to promise you will take whatever I am to say in an open persperctive."

"I was open since birth" Kit answered.

Beam on the other seems to have doubts, however, Kit answered for him.
"Don't worry...he will be taking it in like a smoothie!"

With that assurance at hand I started talking.

"It's not like Forth willing got engage...
I didn't mean it that way...It's kinda complicated..." I reasoned out.

"But he is already engage?" Beam asked me.

"No!" but then is he really not?
"We'll his father announced it to him last week...But it is no doubt without his consent seeing how Forth was mad as hell." I informed Beam.

But Beam faced suddenly changed.
He has close his ears for reasons.
Instead, he stood up, gather his things and make his move.

"Kit let's go!" Beam is declaring war.

"You want me to get you a body bag?"
Kit said calmly, following Beam's stride towards the parking lot.

"No need. Let's dig his grave later." Beam announced softly.


"You actually believed that? We're just confirming so that Beam can throw him off the ditch!" Kit said with Beam already at his side.

"Just throw him? You're too kind Kit. It's good to be 100% sure before you cut someone's dick off!" Beam smilled evily.

As I begin to unravel what these two are suppose to do. I immediately sprint towards them.

I need to stop them at all cost!
I stopped in front of Beam, kneeled down on my knees and hugged both of Beam's legs. To the shock and horror of Kit, Beam and the people around us.

I, however, couldn't careless of people staring. Blood will definetly spill if I can't stop these two. Its already on point that their faces look like they are ready to kill somebody and that someone will definitely kill me too.

"What are you doing!?" Beam said looking so embrassed with me on his feet. He tried to loosen my grip but to no avail. Then, he tried to take a step but he could hardly move an inch with me hugging him like a he is my last salvation.

"Stand up you moron! People are staring at us...!" Kit squated down and help Beam release my embrace. But he too struggled.

"Beam! Please!!! Oh shit! I'm begging...!!!
I squeaked as Kit is forcing me to loosen my hold. But I tightened it even more not only did I wrapped my arms but my legs at the same time too. I don't mind looking like a koala.

"It is you who needs to get your shit together!" Beam shouted back. He then grabbed my hair and pulled it as hard as he could.

"NOT the hair!" I shouted back at him but the pain is unbearable I was force to bit his leg!

That's the downside of fighting with these two. I've butting heads with men all the time but with gays...I need to be careful. Their tongues is as sharp as women and their fist is still as strong as men.

" Aww!!!!?!" Beam howled!
"Let go already you ASSHAT...ARRGGHHH!"
Kit shouted as he tried to grab my one arm and pulled it as strongly as he can.

"Oh wow! I never thought you had this in you Phana?"

Oh god!

"Who knew you could get that low for someone..."

I felt my mouth suddenly went dry. The three of us stop whatever were doing and just froze on site. With Kit still squatting, Beam on my hair and me bitting a leg.
By the looks of it, our posistions right now is a sight to remember.

How I wished I could magically just disappear, but that's not gonna happen. Instead, I combed my hair with my fingers, as Kit straighten his clothes while Beam looked pained because of his bitten leg.

I stumble standing up and face Pring and the rest of my so-called friends. They looked at me like I'm on some kind of drugs. But as embarrassing as it is already, I'm with the most shameless people of med school. What do they expect?

"Hi guys! On the way to lunch?"


Sorry guys I accidentally unpublished while editing and wasn't able to publish it back due to poor internet connection...

I'll try to update much consistently, now that I'm through with my some of my pending schoolwork.

Anyways, hope you all have a pleasant day.

With love,

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