C37. Spilled It Alright

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Forth POV

I walked up to him immediately and before he could even react, I pick him up and started kissing him passionately.

He look stunned at first, but then eventually he responded to my kisses
and by the time his tongue played with my tongue too, my blood begun boiling up.
I couldn't stop myself from moaning to his taste.

Then, I unknowingly bump on a dresser.
Instinctively, I just brushed off everything on its top. Not caring the crashing sounds and breaking vases on the floor and placed Beam on top of it instead.

All I care is that, he and I are eye level now.
I kissed him lightly as I cupped his face on both my hands. This guy is truly beautiful. I really gonna punish him later. He just doesn't understand how I managed to stay calm last night with him laying beside me with only his robe in between us.

I took a deep breath and look into his eyes with all sincerity. More than anything else, I know that this is the perfect time to say what I have been meaning too since yesterday.

"Just like vegetables love meat....... "

I whispered softly to Beam.

"I am deeply in love with you too, Hobbit..."

Beam just look at me frozen, as if I am saying a different language. Then he just begun to tear up again.

I just smiled as I wipe his tears away. Then I took out his ring and placed it back on his fingers.

"Not just because you kneeled down and ask for my hand, doesn't mean it was JUST YOU who want this marriage." I tilted his head so I can kiss him lightly on his lips. The his hand with his wedding ring on.

"I have this with me all along and the only reason I couldn't find you any sooner was I was busy pulling strings to get us the necessary requirements to make our wedding a reality.

Though, I hate seeing you wasted I must say it saved me a lot of trouble. If only your not as stubborn, I would have opted to wait until you clear your mind and for us to plan a better ceremony instead of making you sign the documents in front of the 7/11 store."

He just gave me grunt at my revelation.

"Asshole..." Beam whispered as he took his hands and started to wipe his tears away. There is a smile already on his face.

That's all I need. I knew it won't be easy to make him open up but I knew that he eventually will. But I was honestly already at the edge earlier as he continually tries to push me away. My mind is already at haywire trying to stay as composed as possible. However, now that he is at last smiling back at me. I'll make sure it stays that way. Always.

"Is that even legal?" He asked as he smile at me shyly.

"I am a Jaturapooms Beam.
I can make anything possible."

"But aren't we in Thailand still?"

"You should really watch more news Hobbit? As far as I'm concerned you and I signed a certificate of partnership already. It's filed and registered under Thai law. If your asking if its legal? Yes it is. You can't leave me that easily."

I smirk at him. As I kiss him again...
And again.

Until my mouth begun to demand more than just light kisses. I made it obvious enough for him to get the hint that I want more.

"You have been a really bad boy, Hobbit...
and not a good husband on our first night too. Should I teach you lesson on how you can make up for it accordingly...?"
I said to him before I bit his lips. Beam could of gasped loudly to what I did.

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