C23. Vegetables Vs. Meat

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Phana POV

"What is wrong with him?"
I mutter as I nodded to Kit towards Beam's direction.

But just like me...He too has no answer.
Kit simply shrugged his shoulders
as we both kept staring at Beam,
who seems too engrossed in reading the Cunningham Practical Manual.

"Probably just too excited to dissect a cadaver considering he's reading it upside-down..." Kit whispered back at me.


My hearts almost had an heart attack when Beam suddenly slammed the manual closed. He slammed it too loudly that other people from the nearby tables stopped and look at our direction. Some looked annoyed becuase of the noise but Beam simply stood up leaving us and his things without uttering a single word.

"I would really have a panic attack soon
if I keep on hanging out with you both..."
I murmur to myself as I held my chest tightly.

"Nuh! I don't think so...Your well trained!"
Kit boringly declared as he further explained.
"Years of friendship with people who seems to love crushing other people's psychological well-being probably made you tough."

Even if its true.
It still made one of my eyebrow raised like I am saying to him out loud, what a jackass he is for saying such thing.

"I wasn't exactly considered as one of the OTHER people before I was associated with you two..."

"UhHhH! Poor you!" Kit sarcastically said.
"Did you cry under you blanket reminiscing how much you miss being a minion to the campus greatest bullies?"

"No, I cried thinking I'm OUT with the bullies but IN with the foulest mouth in med school."

"Blah...blah...blah...If you hate it that much go and pick some mushrooms somewhere else!" Kit snapped back.


"Did you know you can pick mushrooms on cadavers too?"

Now where that come from?!
Me and Kit suddenly stop bickering and faced Beam, who is standing in front of us holding some sort of packaging.

and waiting still for us to answer him back without him even blinking.

"Ahhmmm....not so sure about that"
I reluctantly answered him as I nudge Kit.
Beam is already starting to scare the heck out of me.

"Yeah......? Maybe...? Later we'll see..
But Beamie I'm not saying that Phana will be picking mushrooms there..."

"Asking me to do that is beyond normal."
I even added to Kit as we tired to laugh it out.

"So Phana...But he's definitely right!
Even for the likes of him that is so-Cuckoo...
He is so normal that the likes him
should only pick what he can eat,
right Sweet Pea?"
Kit wink at me, as I tired to prevent myself to struggle him. Sweet pea my ass!
How can he even look so proud when what he is saying is not even a compliment!?!

"I tired to tell myself that too...I am normal! But I still think of doing things that makes me question my sanity...Maybe picking mushrooms there wouldn't be so bad to the things I have been doing lately."
Beam exclaimed.


I faced Kit and pointed at Beam.
"This what I am talking about me
being on edge always with you both...
He was thinking of picking mushrooms
on a cadaver Kit! Where art thou is your so-called RESPECT?!"

My voiced raised as I tried to make my point across Kit and Beam.

"I probably have none.. Especially to myself! Argh! Now that I think about it even eating a mushroom from a dead person would all seem be less insane to what I was thinking when I did what I did to Forth this morning..."
Beam couldn't meet our eyes while saying it. His faced just all turned white and he is looking more dreadful.

Picking mushrooms on a dead person
and even thinking about eating is already making me vomit. What could be the worst thing than that could he do or think than that?

"Please tell me you didn't murder Forth?!
Although I really thought, it's only a matter of time either one of you would murder each other." I shockingly declared.

Love and passion always comes with a prize and these two...TOGETHER...
Always combines the complications of obsession, passion and possessiveness.
A perfect recipe for endless troubles.

"Oh PLEASE! Clearly Beam is not talking about the any mushroom picking or murder plots, I am right Beam?" Kit butt in.

Beam nodded furiously.

It made me sigh in relief but at the same time it made me think. What is worst than murder then?

Kit looked at me with disgust, but his face is plastered with a smile that says I know better.

"You're imagination really is something to be reckoned with Phana...Its worst than the imagination of a two-year-old..
Beam probably just expressed his true feelings to like women instead of men!"
Kit excitedly exclaimed to me and Beam.

"It's only logical especially having to experience having a boyfriend like Forth.
That relationship probably made him realize he's better off with women than men..."

He said it with confidence like he had a better grasp of the situation than me and I hated it. If his guess is right, he would take every opportunity to rub it on me and worst if indeed its true, Forth, would probably be unapproachable for enternity.

"I'm still gay for Forth, Kitty..."

Kit's smile wiped off his face,
And mines brighten immediately

"Prttff! Confidence level reduced to ZERO!
Your imagination is even worst than mine!" I laughed at him. "If you're into a conspiracy theory. That would be a one heck of a breaking news."

"Mine is practical and conventionally applicable...Your idea on the other hand
is out of this world! Like I wouldn't be surprised if you are thinking about Beam declaring he is an alien to Forth!"

"I was actually thinking about that one!"
I smirked back at him.

"I don't even know how you passed med school...Alien?! Seriously now Phana?
How stupid can one be to think like that?!"

"At least I'm not stupid enough to say that practically conventional scenarios... Especially with Beam and Forth...
What's next? Your gonna say Forth proposed marriage to Beam after only...what? Five freaking days?!"

"I sort of proposed to him..."
Beam's voice trail off but still me and Kit heard it like he said it with a megaphone.

We were speechless for a minute before we bombarded Beam because of his nonsense.

"You're crazy!"
"You're brain must have gone in your ass!"
"You can pick all the mushrooms!"
"I'll even help you sauté it!"
"Nuh! We better help him murder Forth"
"We're doctors' we can't do that!"
"Just be an alien Beam..."


Me and Kit stopped talking and just looked at Beam.

"It's nothing like that! You both are way thinking too deep..." He said as he took a deep breath.

"You both know Forth wanted to hide me eventhough we are practically living on one roof...Practically, sleeping in one bed if I may add!

And I do understand...I really do!
But I wanted to know his real feelings...
Even if he is keeping us a secret, at least between us, I wanted to hear what I am to him..."

"So? You proposed?!" Kit snapped.

"No...! Well! I was meaning too but I change my mind the last minute...instead I wrote him a note...and thinking back now is pretty absurd."

I gasped.
"You said you loved him?!"

"Ouhhh Sss-Sort of..."
Beam whisper. His face is red sheet!
When he saw that we both still couldn't get what he means...he straighten his back and look at us eventbough its obvious he is trying to hide his embarrassment.

"I said.....


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