C13. Mouth Sealed

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Phana POV

I was surprised to see Beam and Kit early at school today. They were already inside and chatting with each other when I entered the classroom, but then again what is more surprising than them being on time for class is the fact that both of them are actually alive and well.

I was actually expecting them, to be laying at some hospital...brain dead by now.

But, I slowly walk towards them. I can see that it seems like nothing has happened at all.

No broken bones...
No scratches...
No bruises...

I was staring at them when, Kit probably felt my stares. He suddenly looked at my direction. When he saw me approaching them, he stopped talking to Beam and bump his shoulders and nudge his head to make his friend look at my direction.

I'm starting to get cold sweats!
Both of them looked serious.

Shoot?! When I came home I started to doubt whether the person Forth is waiting is indeed Beam. I kept asking myself what if I'm wrong? What will I do if Forth harassed them for no reason?

Although a part of me is shouting I'm correct. Another part of me is saying the opposite.

Given the situation where Forth indeed did something awful, aside from dealing with my conscience.

But what is harder than your inner self, is dealing with these two once they knew what me and my friends spilled to Forth yesterday.

Kit, will expectedly chew me alive! Beam on the other hand, he maybe an angel but they say people who rarely gets angry is a lot scarier than those who usually does.

"Do you have something to say to us Mr. Coxcomb?!" Kit called me.

That dickhead really has a foul mouth as ever. I cursed inside my head. How dare him to call me conceited and vain.

But Beam smacked his head and smiled slightly at me.

"Sorry! Thanks for doing the lab work alone yesterday. We really gave you a hard time. Why don't you let us do the written report? Right Kitty?!"

Kit looked at me sharply before he nodded in agreement to Beam. Although he did it dully, for the first time, he didn't have anything to say badly at me. Beam also is frankly nice.

It's a good sign, I guess.

"It's Fine. I'll still help." I rather help them out. Kit's mouth is something I may not want to deal with, but schoolwork is important to me. I can easily be numb just to have a perfect grade. However, Beam is on top of on that category. He is consistently slaying the exams on every subject.

"By the way. How's your stomachache?"

Although I already know he was faking it yesterday. But now, I want to look more closely at his face to see a clearer indication of any beatings.

But thank god! There was none.

"He just got himself pregnant!" Kit suddenly spoke while tapping Beam's tummy.

He smiled at me, like he was proud about something. Beam blushed immediately as Kit scoffed and smirked back at his friend.

I guess there is nothing to be worried. It seems both of them are just fine. Seeing them joking around like this make me feel at ease. I was really worried last night about this two.

However, I'm dying to ask Beam. I just want to clarify if he has anything to do with Forth or not? There are a tons of questions on my mind.

"Was Forth supposed to fetch you yesterday?"

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