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TWO Months Before...


"That's just how the cookie crumbles Beam!" whispered by a man with a deep husky voice.

"I just can't help but fall in LOvvvveeBRRRRrrrrr!"


Then suddenly the man on my dream started dancing to Boom Boom by Momoland's.

What the hell???!!!
My beautiful dream was ruined for a moment when my phone keep on vibrating at my side table. I swiftly covered myself with the blanket and tried to ignore whoever is calling.

I drifted back to sleep, thinking that by doing so, I can continue dreaming. I smiled at the man then urges him to continue. I looked at him directly into his eyes while he begins to speak again.

"Beam?" Oh my God. Here we go!

"YES?!"I can't breath. I held tightly on my bed sheet cover.

"I can't help buutttBRRrrrrrrrr!" and he danced again.

I groaned and sat up immediately. Why is it always like this every time I had a good dream? I messed my hair roughly with my hands. Then with a frown on my face I looked at my phone only to be shocked when I saw the caller ID of the person calling. I immediately answer the phone, only to hear Kit's nagging voice on the other end.

He immediately asked. I was about to answer him, but he begins shouting again.
I doubt my eardrums are still okay after this.


I just sighed while looking blankly at my phone. Yes, that's true I should be moving my lazy ass already but instead I slammed my body back again in bed. I closed my eyes, stretched my arms and legs until I felt my blood circulating again. I'm so dead tired.

"How I'm I going to survive my college years like this?!" I asked myself coldly.

Being a medical student at the finest international school like Brilliant Institute of Technology in Thailand, is both a privileged and a death wish. I need to study well to maintain my scholarship and work at the same time to provide for my basic needs. I just groaned thinking the amount of work I need to get done. I rarely have time to even sleep.

But I don't have any choice but to work harder. Given my present condition, I lived far from my university. But for someone who doesn't have much, the farther it is the more affordable it gets.

I should just be thankful that Kit is kind enough to fetch me every morning. More or less, I can somewhat catch up on my lack of sleep.

I should've drop some subjects, take a units in multi-tasking and wished extra hours can be bought at supermarkets instead. But I know that all I can do is just pray my heart out that I can get through my freshman years without collapsing my body due to exhaustion. I stood up and begin to make bed. Kit will be here anytime soon.

I started to get dress but was abruptly stop by the commotion across the street. The filming of the soap opera of the Landon Family is already starting. I wonder what is it this time?

"I TOLD YOU MANY TIMES TO FIXED THAT ROOF!" Ms. Landon shouted. "Look at the paddle inside the store!" I can now even hear plates being thrown and shattering.

Ai-Aiyah! Their noodle shop will go broke at this rate if they do this often. I begin to walk towards the balcony with a smile on my face.

"Let's greet everyone shall we B?!" I said loudly, smiling to myself to what I'm about to do.

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