C7. The not so Great Escape

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Beam POV

After the discussion of the volunteer work, which the very lucky me get myself into. We are working now as a group today for our lab work. I can see that Kit and Phana is working on the blood samples. But since the beginning they have been arguing endlessly and its making my life even more miserable.

"Please get away from my face?" I heard him say to Kit.

"Bring your own microscope next time then?" Kit smirked at him. Unfrazzled to Phana's comment.

Phana just rolled his eyes his eyes and shoved Kit with his hand.

"Keep rolling your eyes. Who knows, maybe you'll find a brain back there.!"

"Spe..." Phana was about to say something but I had enough!

"Okay! Stop It! If both of you won't stop, I'll put diapers on both of your mouths" I'm really pissed off now.

'I don't even know what examine anymore the blood samples or the crap's that keeps on going out on both of your mouths!"

That made them stop bickering and work together, but the deadly stares to each other just won't stop. But at least we are progressing somehow. I tried to concentrate also but with everything going on in my mind right now. I'm about to have a panic attack. Time just flew away. In an hour or so I know I'm about to face another bad luck of this day.

I have planned out several tactics as I can on how to avoid Forth. I was already thinking like some possibilities like hiding in one column then crawling unto the next or do some mission impossible stunt. But no matter how much I have planned it out, the commando inside in me dictates I'm still going to fail. It could have been so much better if the person I'm trying to escape is no other than Forth himself.

I need to act as quickly as possible, I know it cowardly on my part but the only things that my great escape plan will work is to leave my class as early as possible. That's the only option that could save my ass right now. But first I need Kit's help.

I leaned closer to him and whispered so that Phana would not get any idea as to what we are about to do.

"Just play me with me okay?" I told him. I didn't even wait for him to respond. Knowing Kit he will catch up immediately.

"UUghhh!" I groaned as loudly as I can. I jerked suddenly and placed one of my hand on my stomach and the other on Kit's shoulder. I wished that the floor would just swallow me alive. I knew I was not a good actor but what can I do? I already made a fool out of myself anyways multiple times. This isn't new!

As expected, Kit never disappoints me. Even though He doesn't completely understand what is going on he is working it. He is way more believable than I am. He already has his puppy eyes and worried face as he rushed immediately at me.

"B?!" He immediately slipped my hand unto his shoulders and helped me stand up.

"I'm sorry Phana I'll accept that you aren't a dickhead and let you finish the rest while I'll take care of Beam first!" Kit told Phana in his panicked voice. Is he trying to get his help or is he trying to insult him more? I really don't know. All I know is we need to get out A.S.A.P!

But Phana just looked at us intently, keeping his silence. Was I not convincing him enough? But Kit was fast enough to catch Phana's doubtful eyes he took matters into his own hands.

"That's what you get for being a cheapskate!!?!!" Kit nagged at me. "You probably ate spoiled food again!"

"He thinks anything served at him in a lesser price is edible" He nudge me gently which I responded with I pained groan. Kit nudge me again, I guess I'm over doing it. But that's the only thing I'm good at.

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