C11. All in a Day

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Beam POV

I felt every blood raising to my head. "Sorry! I think my brain just took off to mars! What do you mean my things are upstairs?"

"My people moved your things at my place earlier." He told me proudly. URG! Seeing his proud face aggravated me more.

"Of course, they did! My stuff can't simply walk by themselves and knock on your doorstep! We'll both be dammed if they did!" I snapped at him.

"You deliberately left your door wide open! What do you expect me to do?" His looks seems he is throwing daggers at me.

"Ammm...fixed the door? Did it not occur to you?!" I asked my sarcastically.

Forth just dismissed me and narrowed his gazed. "Keeping you safe was my priority. What I found there was beyond repairable!"

I stomped my feet out of frustrations. Bickering with Forth is like talking to a wall and every word I'm saying is like a ball. It just keep on bouncing back at me and its draining all my energy.

"What are you talking about?! The door was the only thing that was broken Forth! Not the whole apartment. I've been meaning to fix it the moment I went home." I frowned at him.

"If you thought of safekeeping me and my things, the easiest thing you could do was just to fix the god damn door! I would have appreciated it greatly if you did." I added.

"Whatever! I already cancelled your lease so there is no turning back. You are living at my place starting today. No more arguments!" He shouted back while reaching for my arm. He dragged me towards the elevator door, but I used all my force to release my hand from his grip.

I clearly lost my cool to this mulish guy. There are all kinds of stupid things that has happen in my life but what annoys me the most is a lazy argument. This clearly one argument I wanted to end so badly. This is just plain senseless and crazy.

"You cancelled, what?" I'm hoping this is not happening, but I clearly heard what he just said. Its just that my brain stop functioning the moment his words hit me, as if all my braincells just died. I refuse to accept and comprehend what he just informed me.

"You will be glad I did! You did not know what god forsaken things could had happen because you acted naively!" Forth defended himself.

My tears just started to drop like a waterfall and Forth was stunned seeing me at this state. But I couldn't breathe normally. I couldn't explain what I am truly feeling at this moment. I'm just lost, broken, confused, scared and all these emotions are coming all at once, that my heart was about to explode.

"That god forsaken place was the only home I have known, Asshole!" I turned my back at him and started running towards nowhere. This could not be happening. It's the only place that I have known since I was forsaken by my family years ago and now it's gone. Tears are flowing down my cheeks more palpably than before.

By the time, I realized I ran far enough from Forth, I looked around trying to figure out where I am. But I'm not familiar with the neighborhood.

It's almost midnight and the busy streets are now starting to be empty. I'm beginning to feel empty too. I'm lost, homeless and penniless.

I just covered my face and started to cry my heart out again. I realized Forth was carrying my bag and I ran like a fool without my wallet nor cellphone with me. The only salvation that could save me right now is taken as well. What I'm I going to do now?

"ARRGGGGHHHH!!!!" I shouted while pulling my own hair. I pulled it strongly until I felt that my senses are slowly coming back.

I clearly lost every ounce of faith I have left but I need to think clearly and find solution. It's not like I have any other choice right now. I know that Kit might be sleeping already but I have no place to go except his home. I'll think of a better solution tomorrow but right now finding a place to sleep is my priority.

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