C27. I Got You

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Forth POV

"I'm dying Forth!" Kai exclaimed as he wrap his arms around my shoulders.

"I knew we need math, but I didn't imagine it would be all numbers, calculating loads and triangles." I just laugh as he faked his cries. "Even now that we are sketching, I still need to solve something!"

"Not only that......Sotus....Head Hazers....Ass...holes...." Kai continues to complain.

But I couldn't hear a word he is saying. Who cares about hardships? I am so happy today; I couldn't even be bothered by the any worldly worries.

"Hey! Are you even listening?!" He asked.

"Nope!" I simply answered back as I continue working on my plates.
He'll survive. Ignoring him wouldn't cause him any harm or actual death. Me, on the other hand is already dying inside. I am missing Beam already and I am aching since morning to head out and look for him.

That tiny witch!

Whatever magic he has cast on me, is surely working cause' I am damm falling for him. HARD!

That little devil's note deeply shook me. It was cryptic but it's a no brainier. I knew instantly what he meant and I honestly got scared instantly! But then I felt excited too! Pleased! Happy! Then I got scared again.

Excited...Scared...Excited...Fuck these feelings!
Over and over I am an emotional wreck!
However, as I flooded myself with this emotions. A definite realization came over me. As heartless as I may be. I must admit I am in love with my Hobbit!

I am freaking in love!

Which is funny to hear from someone like me. But That's what I feel. No words can explain why! I just knew my feelings for him is stronger than anything I have ever felt for anyone in my life. The kind of feelings that makes someone as tough as me scared out of his wits. It makes me petrified of loosing Beam.

I just can't.

But I should stop worrying about it. He loves me too and I should only make him feel assured that I feel the same way too. It would be a breeze making him stay. All I should do was to confess to him too.

I will however make him sweat it out of me to say those words first! Besides, I would love to see his constipated face as he tries to confess first. Its a good payout for confessing on a note and even using food as reference to us two. I would make him say it all loud and clear. Not the likes of what he did earlier, before I reveal everything to him.

Not because I can't! But like the old saying goes. The one's at fault should ask forgiveness first. It's should be the same principle in saying I love you, right?

On this case, Beam's at fault!

It wasn't me who act adorably cute dancing to his favorite tune? Nor it was me who gave out a scent that makes me aroused every time he is near me. He made me fall in love and he made me a complete softie by confessing first. He is not like any normal person I know. Who wouldn't fall for him for his antics anyways?! It's his fault that I am this way!

But I am a forgiving person though.....
am I really?

Oh well..No! Not really....just with Beam probably! I can easily accept I Love You as apology though! Just that three magic words. No more puzzling codes. In a loving and endearing tone! He better do it right this time! Cause' I'll really twist his head if dares play with his words again.

But, damm. Am I ready? I will surely had a hard time making a straight face looking at him if he say it to me wholeheartedly! I might even bite my lips just to prevent myself from smiling ear to ear.

My Hobbit will surely look so damm cute! With his cheeks all pink. Fidgeting his fingers like a baby, getting caught eating a candy.

Shit! My intestines felt I am riding a roller coaster already just by thinking about it. What more when he actually say it to me face to face.

My libido may skyrocket out in space. I can barely contain my desires now. What more later? I fear he wouldn't even have the chance to finish his confession and I am already crushing his lips.

Arggghhh! But my class seems to be taking forever to finish. I look up to the clock and begun counting in my head as the second hand ticks.

20 more minutes...

"Shit! End this damm class already!"
I murmured to myself.


I grab my bag and jump out of my seat.

"YES...!!!! At last LUNCH!" Kai suddenly realized I wasn't near him anymore. "Forth.........???

But I was already at the door. I just ran hurriedly at the corridor passing by the rest of my friends, who were all waiting for me and Kai. However, I have other plans! They can hang out by themselves.So, just like Kai, I ignored them.

They all, on the other hand, just stood there...frozen and amazed as I sprint pass by them.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Tul shouted.

"On a date!" I shouted back smiling to myself.

I didn't even stopped to look back at them. i just continued running.

"On a what?!" They shouted back.
"Are you out of your mind!!! We still have SOTUS this afternoon!" Art shouted at me too.

Who cares about SOTUS! I would loose my mind if I don't see Beam now.

I reach my motorcycle and drove it as fast as I can. When I reach the med department, I rushed towards a very familiar place. The place where Beam always takes his lunch. To the place where we first met...All alone...away from other people...All for my taking!

As unromantic as I used to be...That would be the perfect place to say our I love you's.

As I got nearer...and nearer...my heart is beating so fast...I'm thinking I would probably have a cardiac arrest any minute cause I can't contain my excitement.

As I reach out for the door. I slammed it wide open. Panting like a mad man...Smiling widely towards...????

No one unfortunately!

Where the fuck is he?!

-----------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR'S NOTE:

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I would like to thank you all for supporting this story so far...I honestly was about to give up on it, however this story helped me a lot when I was going through a phase...I just can't bring myself to leave it hanging. So till next chapter...I need to find inspiration for the fight scenes first...💪


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