C45. Broken

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Phana POV

Though my face is all swollen and very much unrecognizable. My heart started jumping all over and my smile couldn't go any brighter. Knowing that any minute now the clock would strike that it is the end of the hospital visiting hours.

Immediately, I grab the basket of fruits beside my bed and started eating the seedless grapes. Feeling I am some emperor on a luxurious vacation and not a patient after Forth made me a human punching bag.


I may be broken but I hold no grudge against him. Partly because I knew Forth's temperament from the beginning. But mostly. Because I may have caused him much trouble for what I revealed to Beam. More than a broken bone or face, what I did is more difficult to mend.

Though I vowed to help him with Beam once I'm fully recovered. For now, however, I am just allowing myself to rejoice a little after-hours...and hours...and hours~ of countless visitors going in and out of my room.

Finally. Now, I'm alone.

I must say, more than the meds and painkillers.

That's all I needed really.

After all the chaos yesterday. A brief moment of solitude is more than sufficient for me to heal.

I can only groan as a reminisce of how my hospital room has never been once empty since day one that I have been admitted.

And~ By tomorrow.

There's no doubt.

One after another either my family...Pring's gang...even my so-called friends and acquaintances, most of them I haven't even seen since my elementary days. Will probably drop by again.

Although most who have visited showed their concern to what I have gone through. However! As expected. Many also just went to visit me to get some tiniest details as to why Forth decided to make my face like a blown-up ken doll.

Oh well!

One can do some stupid mistakes once in their life. And I definitely made one by getting myself involved in Forth affairs.

However, I must be honest.

I doubt that either Beam or Kit. Especially~ Kit! Even considered me as their friend. Deep inside, however, I am praying that they both do.

I may bicker with them all day but as supposed to Pring and the rest of her minions. Being with those two unpredictable idiots for the past few days have been one of my happiest.

Since I started hanging out with them though, I can barely sleep soundly at night. Constantly, I am worried whether I would be able to see those two in one piece ever again. With Beam being clueless of Forth's possessiveness towards him and with Kit's famous unfiltered mouth. He and Beam is no doubt a huge walking trigger for Forth's little to none existent self-restraint.

Nevertheless, my life suddenly became lively and full of unexpected adventures.


Too thrilling. Too adventurous. That I am now in a hospital bed.

Anyhow! Good thing that little prick Kit didn't even bother to show his face and pay me a visit as well.

Urgh! I can only cringe just thinking what he may say seeing my ruined face! Worst! If Forth will be forced by his family to pay me a visit. How awkward it may be for both of us!

My wishful thinking was interrupted as my door suddenly opened. I almost choked as I swallowed a huge grape as I saw the person who just emerged like a ghost in my room. I just look at him in full confusion.

Why the hell is he here?

"Dear Lord! I thought we are talking to a totally different person!" Lam exclaimed.

"What are you~...Wait?!" I paused.

I can't be bothered less about his sudden visit. I need to ask the most important question first.

"Whose....the we?" I asked.

But before he can answer me. I felt like an imaginary drumroll started to beat as Kit also appeared.

And just as I feared.

He may have forgotten to bring something during his visit but of course, he did not forget to arm himself with his ever sharp tongue!

"Does he even look like a person to you? No offense. But you look horribly uglier Phana!" He gasped in horror before he continues. Looking at someone who is also about to enter my room.

"What did you do? Are your fist even human? How can you make him look like that?" He asked angrily.

"Beam will definitely chew you if he knew you made Phana a giant blowfish!" He shouted to a very familiar silhouette.

I just drop helplessly the grapes back into the fruit basket. Surrendering to the fact that I may have done really awful in my previous life for this to be happening.

More so, I can only say my silent prayers as my room suddenly filled with cold and heavy air as he fully emerged in my room.

Forth didn't even bother answering Kit. Instead, he just locked my door and walk towards me. And knowing him, he chooses no less than the perfect place to sit than the chair closest to my bed.

Lam just sighed loudly and looked at Kit and back at me.

"I'm guessing Phana is in it too?" He asked Kit.

To which Kit just nods in response before joining Forth near my bed too. Briefly, Lam followed too.

"So what's the plan?" Lam further asked.

"What plan?" I asked Kit and Lam.

When they didn't answer. I bravely asked Forth. Who up to now has not uttered a single word.

"What is going on?"

However, as I look at him. To my surprise. He is looking directly at me already. His face is deadly serious as always.


His eyes tell me differently. It radiates an emotion that I have never expected from someone like Forth.

He looked troubled. Worried.

Knowing Forth since we were little. Nothing in his life would make him feel this way.


My heart started to skip a beat. Like something hit me. Kit being in one room together with Lam and Forth may only mean only one thing.


But before I can ask Forth about him.

"I need your help..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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