"F-fuck Kookie.. so fucking big" Tae groaned into the pain that quickly turned into pleasure. It felt as if Jungkook was made perfectly for him and Jungkook felt the same

"Tae, you bent over my mattress is something I wanna see every day for the rest of my life" Jungkook says quietly, as if scared to suggest a lifetime together, before quickly picking up his pace.

Thrusting fully into the older, earning moans that he swears should be illegal.

"Goddamn Tae... y-your so tight.. ahh"

"Mmm-nahhh, right there Jungkoo-ahh"

Jungkook smirks proudly "found it" before leaning forward and placing a firm hand around the base of Tae's neck. It was in this moment that Taehyung realized he might have a slight choking kink, as he leaned his head back into Jungkook's grip.

The site of Tae absolutely fucking wrecked underneath him was enough to make Jungkook cum immediately but he wanted to make sure the older got off, first. So once he found Tae's sweet spot he began thrusting roughly. Tightening his grip on the olders waist and abusing his prostate with every single thrust

"F-fuck, Kookie-ahh, gonna cum"

"Mm cum at the same time as me baby"

"Gah, Jungkookie"

"FUCK, baby"

They both shouted, releasing their loads at the same time. Panting and sweating like they had just left the Sauna. Jungkook slowly pulled out but made sure to smack Tae's ass one good time, making the older collapse onto the mattress.

Tae pouted and buried his head in the pillow. "Kookie's mean" he mumbled into the pillow causing the younger to laugh as he cleaned up the mess that Taehyung was laying right in.

Jungkook stood there for a moment, admiring Tae's gorgeous body as if for the first time before slowly climbing into bed and rubbing soft circles on the older's back. Tae quickly rolled over and climbed out of bed, strutting right over to Jungkook's closet as if he owned the place.

Jungkook just smiled at the sight, this was exactly what he'd dreamed of and there's nothing that could take away how happy he feels right now.

Taehyung giggled in excitement as he picked out one of Jungkook's t shirts that were way too big on him. Barely going past his thighs. He slid on his silk boxers and climbed back into bed. Straddling the younger male and running his hands down his toned chest.

"Jungkook" Tae said firmly


"I love you" He almost whispered it but the words accompanied a beautiful boxy smile and crescent shaped eyes

Jungkook felt himself melting at the sight and pulled the older down into a hug. "Taehyung, I love you so much more than you know" he whispered into the olders ear.

Their sweet moment was interrupted, this time by Jungkook's phone. Tae reaches over to grab it for him and furrows his eyebrows as he recognized the phone number.


"Yes baby?" Jungkook's eyes are closed as he is rubbing his hands along Tae's back.

"Why is Jennie texting you and what deal are you keeping up to hold your secret?" Tae slowly backed off of Jungkook when he saw the startled expression on the younger

"I-uh, she is wanting to go solo so she asked me to set her up a meeting with Bang PD..."

"And the secret?" Tae questioned. Arms crossed as he now was standing at the foot of the bed.

"Tae it's not important." Jungkook was firm. It wasn't. There was no reason to talk about something that would do nothing but ruin the perfect moment they were just having.

"Don't lie to me, Kookie... please... I've been so excited to see you, please don't start it by lying to me..." Tae pouted, looking at Jungkook with those damn eyes that he knows he can't resist

"Okay, I'll tell you. But you have to come here and you have to promise not to get mad" Jungkook stated

Immediately Taehyung was hesitant but he wanted to know so he agreed. He positioned himself in the youngers lap. Legs wrapped around his waist and arms looped around his neck.

"I got black out drunk last night... woke up not even knowing how I got here." His breath hitched "I checked my phone this morning and had a text from Jennie, I didn't know it was her at the time. Apparently we had plans to go to a cafe at 7"

Taehyung already had tears in his eyes as he could tell where this was going and Jungkook's heart whimpered at the sight.

"Tae baby..."

"Shhh" Tae whispered leaning his forehead onto Jungkook's "I don't need to know. It's fine. Just set up her meeting so she will drop it, okay?"

Jungkook could hear how broken Tae's voice sounded and it made him want to punch himself in the gut. Both boys agreed that this truth was better left untold. (Lol srry I had to) He hummed in response and scooped the older into his arms, rolling him over to where they were facing each other side to side. "Baby?"

"What Kookie?"

"Don't stay with Jimin. Stay with me"

Taehyung would be lying if he said he didn't like the idea but he also thought it defeated the purpose of his "decision making" if he spent every second he was here with Jungkook.

"Kookie you know I want to but distance makes the heart grow fonder." The older winks as he strokes the brunette locks out of Jungkook's eyes "by the way, I am absolutely loving your new hair color" Tae says playfully, admiring how perfect every feature of Jungkook's is.

Jungkook smiled at the compliment but frowned at what preceded it. "Nope, I'm not letting you leave" he tightened his grip on the older earning a squeal

"Kookie! Let me go!" Taehyung playfully punched the youngers arms but Jungkook quickly rolled on top of the older. Both arms on each side of Tae's head, staring directly into those pools of brown he never thought he'd get to admire again.

"Tae. Please. I just got you back. Just stay with me tonight. You can go to Yoonmin's tomorrow and I won't argue. Okay? Just please stay with me tonight" His voice was soft and sweet yet also demanding. It made Tae blush and he knew he missed sleeping with the younger as well.

So he reached out to his phone and let Jimin know he would be staying with someone else for the night. Placing his phone back on the night stand before returning into Jungkook's embrace.

Jungkook was peppering soft kisses all over Tae's head and face. "I love you so much Taehyung."

"I love you more, Kookie" Tae smiled softly

For the first time in four years both boys enjoyed absolute peaceful sleep. As if their bodies knew just as much as their hearts, that they were made for each other.


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