Corbyn sat up once more, "Yeah, Yeah. You thought of you came to apologize I would forgive you and that we'll be cool again. Okay, we're cool now. Bye." He said, waving the silver-headed boy away.

He sighed. "Corbyn, I'm being serious-" "And I am too." "If you were serious you would talk to me, not do what you're doing right now." Daniel said, coming closer to Corbyn.

"I am serious. And I'm being serious when I say I don't want to see you right now." He said, crossing his arms.
Daniel groaned, "c'mon Corbyn. You're being irrational-"

Corbyn scoffed. "Irrational? Daniel you tell me, how would you feel if everyone laughed at you. In front of your face? The people you thought were your friend, laughing? You tell me."

Daniel was silent. Corbyn smiled and nodded, "see? You don't know how  it feels. So please, just go." Daniel sighed. "Corbyn. I'm sorry. I know sorry doesn't cut for how you felt at the moment, but please, forgive me."

Corbyn rolled his eyes, "can you just go?" Daniel closed his eyes, before grabbing the door handle, "and that's one of your problems Corbyn. Wanting a friend, yet so quick to push them away." Daniel paused, opening the door.

"I'll see you around." With that, the blonde was once again alone in his room. Corbyn sat there for a few secinds, before groaning, and sitting up in his bed. Corbyn rolled his eyes, Daniel was right, he wanted to be friends with someone, yet pushed them away when he needed them.

Corbyn ran down the stairs, and out his house, where he seen the silver headed boy walkong far down the sidewalk. "Wait- Daniel! Okay, you're right. You've been right all along." said the blonde exasperated.

Yet, when Daniel didn't stop walking, he sighed, but followed. "I'm sorry. Oh how the table have turned. But I'm sorry. For being a dick, for being a dick, and oh yeah and for being a dick! I thought about what you said, and you are right."

When Corbyn finished, he really hope Daniel would turn around and maybe forgive him, but it seemed like that wasn't gonna happen. "C'mon Daniel please."

Daniel stopped walking, contemplating on what he should do, before turning around with a sigh. "Why do you have to be a dick sometimes?" Daniel asked, pushing him. "All I ever tried to do was become your friend." Daniel spoke, poking the blondes chest.

"But you never took one glance at me." The silver headed boy continued. "You wanted all the cool people to know you. So you can become relevant." Daniel paused, "guess what Corbyn? You've always been relevant. People know you, they talk highly of you. Maybe it's just you, being a mean introvert, that thinks everyone's against them."

Corbyn looked down at Daniel, wondering if that was true, he didn't know people talked highly of him. Hell, he didn't know Daniel felt that way. "Oh..." was the only thing Corbyn can muster up. Daniel scoffed,

"Is that it? Just oh-" Daniel let out a squeak, when he was pulled into a bone-crushing hug. "Thank you. Gee, Daniel, seriously thank you. I am a dickhead introvert, I admit that. I'm sorry for making you feel not relevant, but truth is- I freaking adore you."

Corbyn pulled away, before continuing. "Of all people, you were always the one I, as creepy as it sounds, stare at you. Watch you walk down the hall, watch you smile at everyone. Dani, you've only been nice to everyone. Man, I can say I even like you."

Daniel looked at Corbyn with wide eyes, surprised that Corbyn was so non-chalant on confessing his liking towards him, when Daniel was afraid to even confront the 6-year old who always took his money for ice-cream.

"I-uhm. I like you too. Truth, I always had. From seeing you in class, concentrating on the teacher in class. Your adoration (is that even a word?) for science. Gosh, Corbyn I'm madly infatuated with you, and it only took me 3 years to finally confess that one."

Corbyn blushed, "oh. That's-that's great! Oh my gosh Daniel, that's amazing! You know what this means right? We, well, if you're down, we can like I don't know, go out on dates or Something and then I can be the gentleman I was aspired to be, and like give you my jackets when you're cold, and like be the best boyfriend that you could have, and you're mom would approve of us, because-because science just says so, the-"

Daniel cut Corbyn off, with a quick peck on the lips, Daniel blushing as he smiled up at the blonde, "you-You wouldn't stop talking." Was all Daniel said, before looking back down.

"Gosh, if I didn't like you a lot then, oh boy I sure do now." Corbyn stared at the silver headed boy that was in front of him. "Anyways, I was thinking maybe you wanna be my-"

Daniel out his hand over corbyn's mouth, "yes, I'll be your boyfriend, just stop talking." He finished making Corbyn laugh.

"Feels good, to have you by my side."


Stream Clout by Garren Lakes

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