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4 years ago

"D-don't go... p-please"

"K-kookie, don't make this harder for me. You know this is killing me but I j-just can't do this anymore"

"I'll back off okay? I'll leave you alone.. T-tae just don't leave the group.. we can't be BTS without you.." no longer holding back his tears

"Damn it Jungkook. Everyone else excepted my decision.. why can't you?!" falling to his knees "just l-let me go.. please.. before I take everything back."

Standing up and brushing the grass off of his ripped black jeans.. Taehyung walks over to Jungkook and places a soft kiss on his forehead before grabbing his luggage and climbing into the taxi. Not even sparing a last glance at the boy he is driving away from.

"I can't b-because I love you.." Jungkook barely manages to whisper as he collapses, watching the taxi drive off with the person he loves the most in the world.

After what felt like forever he finally stands up and walks back into the house. Only to be faced with his five other hyungs staring at him with worried eyes.

"Jungkook-ah.." Namjoon goes to speak but is cut off by a terrifying glare.

"How could you guys let him go? Make him think it's okay? Don't you know that this is it for us?! We can't be Bangtan without Tae! Without V! YOU JUST LET HIM GO!" Jungkook shouts before collapsing again in the living room in front of his closest friends.. all of whom are shocked at the outburst. They knew that V's decision to leave the group would hit the maknae hard—they were the closest of the group after all but they had no idea he would be this upset.

"Jungkookie.. there was nothing we could to do make him stay. He sat down with management, explained his reasons for wanting to leave the group and then told all of us." Jimin states softly "Don't you think we wanted him to stay too? We love him just as much as you do!"

Jungkook's eyes shot up at that statement. Glaring into Jimin's eyes as if he could see straight through them. He took two steps forward, closing the gap between him and his hyung. With tears overflowing "Not a single one of you could possibly love him as much as I do." Following that Jungkook just walked upstairs to his room.

Normally about now he and Tae would be yelling at each other playing Overwatch or maybe they'd cuddle up on the couch and watch sappy movies until they fell asleep but now; all of that is over. 

A/N: Hi there. Thanks for checking out my story!

I hope you enjoy reading it. 

I wrote the first 6 chapters of this fic a few months ago and decided to finish it. 


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