Leftovers (pt 1)

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Requested by Autogirls
Author's note at the end of chapter

The day was crazy, a lot was on your mind. Naomi, your best friend, slowly rubbed both shoulders with her thumb trying her best to release tension from your body.

You sighed as you sat criss-cross on the chair. Naomi stopping and sitting down in front of you wanting to tell you something.

"What?" You ask her as she shook her head in hesitation.

"Nothing," She utters back making you ponder.

"I know when you want to say something," You tell her as she bites her lip like if that would stop her words.

"You know me too well, darling." Her British accent tied to her voice as she smiled weakly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asks as you look around the room as if she didn't have eyes to look at.

"Yeah, I am fine." You sigh as she giggles softly grabbing your hands and cupping them together.

"We are both women and we know that line means that you are not fine," She tells you as your eyes softened.

"It's okay not to be, Y/n. You are worried about him." Naomi says as she stands up placing her hands on her hips.

"More like worried about what he is doing," You correct her as her eyebrows furrowed confused about your words.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold on, you think he is cheating on you?!" Her hands all over the place waiting for an answer.

"He never comes home until like 3 in the morning with strange scents, like woman perfumes." You snap back as she thinks it through.

"You have a point," Naomi admits rubbing her temples not knowing how to break the silence between you both.

"Liam works in a rich hotel, many women probably go there." Your voice not cracking even once.

You weren't the type of woman who would cry about a guy because Liam was just a guy. You do love him but so far, anger was all you felt for him.

"Is he still at work?" Naomi says as you look back at her.

"What time is it?" You say knowing you have a phone but Naomi answers you right away.

"9:32," She says making you smirk. The intense anger was growing in you, he was still at work.

"Let's go find out," Your voice says as you head downstairs to your truck.

*skip car ride because you were going really fast and that is illegal and not safe :)

Your black heels made the satisfying sound as each stair existed below your feet.

Naomi's body stumbling after you trying to keep up with you, you push the glass door open as a few people looked at how determined you looked.

The hotel itself was glamourous with diamond and shiny decorations in almost every corner making your eyes brighter than usual.

Eyes scanning for Liam to be around, he was and good luck to him because his arm was wrapped around a woman.

Naomi looked over your shoulder, her jaw completely dropping knowing you were going to beat him up.

Your jaw clenched as you brush your hair out of the way, heels clicking as you walk the marble floor, Liam as your target. Arms smoothly moving beside you.

Many people would describe you as a model, a bold one to be specific.

You had a runway walk, very sexy and feminine which caused heads to turn.

Liam lips close to the woman's ears making her giggle. You lean your back on the same check-in counter they were at.

Liam's eyes finally falling on you, you were basically next to them and he just noticed. His face completely drops seeing you.

"Y/n, wh-what are you doing here?" His words stumbling as the woman faces you, both faces next to each other just staring back at you.

"Just decided to stop by just see how you are doing." Your voice calms making him believe that you were dumb not noticing the woman next to him.

"You didn't have to bother, I am doing great." He gives you a bright smile as your mouth slowly curves into a very wide smile making you burst out laughing grabbing a few more stares.

"I can see that but not after this," You reply back, your hand punching him with every strength in your body making people gasp. He falls back groaning in pain. You shake your fist from the pain, Naomi finally next to you.

The woman looks down at him and back at you, pearls around her neck with small curves.

"You sure you want those leftovers?" You raise your eyebrows trying hard not to laugh.

You flip your hair walking out of the hotel as Liam looks at you, his hand on his bloody nose, embarrassed.

Sorry for not putting as much effort into my chapters as before and also not updating quicker.

It's just been a tough week and I am getting a little better with my writing trying best to not be sloppy.

You are guys are welcomed to vote, comment, and request an imagine.

Much love, Celeste ♥❤

mena massoud imagines Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon