Love at First Measure (Part 1)

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Requested by werushit

"Y/n, you should accept this opportunity, you are an amazing designer, the directors believe in you," Jane tells you as you tied the purple thread into a knot at the end of the dress, furrowed eyebrows as you held the needle with your teeth just like a professional.

"Jane, I am not good enough for the job, it's Disney!" You say frustrated about to burst into tears.

"Oh my lord, Y/n, it's Disney, Disney called you because you are really good at designing. You are good enough or else Disney wouldn't have called!" Jane tells you, you drop the needle and thread on the carpet. You run upstairs to the bathroom locking the door behind you.

You can't do this, Y/n. Be the designer of the film Aladdin, it's too much.
You thought to yourself, your body curling up in a ball at the bathroom's corner. You feel your muscles of your chin tremble like a little kid. Salty drops fall from your cheeks onto your chest drenching your hoodie. Your sobs punched through, ripping through every muscle, bone, and gut inside your body. Suddenly Jane knocks on the door quietly.

"Y/n, please let me in." She murmurs as you sigh, your sleeves pulled up to your fists, wiping your tears and opening the door.

"What? Jane." You mumble back as her eyes soften.

"Oh, Y/n, it's okay." She sat down on the corner knowing you too well. She pats the space next to her as your naked feet follow. You sit criss-cross and wait for her words to soothe you down.

"Y/n, I know that whatever I said doesn't matter to you or maybe seem like lies but they aren't," her words always calm you down, she was your best friend from elementary school, basically known you all her life, she knows how to cheer you up.

"They matter to me but it's hard to believe them, " You reply sighing.

"I know but trust me on this one, yeah I know changes are scary, Disney is a huge company with high standards but you totally met them." She remarks.

"Plus, you won't be alone, there will be a whole design team backing you up." She adds as you smile just thinking about some good costumes for the film.

"You have potential and talent, you just need some self-confidence." She declares catching your smile.

"You know Jane, you are really good at pep talk." You raise your eyebrow as she giggles.

"That's why I am a psychologist, " She says standing up and offering you a hand.

The day goes by with you at your computer desk pulling out your notebook and sketching some ideas. You search for Aladdin pictures from the original movie, the Prince Ali outfit was probably going to be the hardest to design. Jane stayed up with you all night discussing which materials to request to the directors.

"So, I am doing this." You ask Jane as she gives you a confused look.

"Oh honey, you can not back away now! You are basically starting." She cries making you laugh.

"Call the directors tomorrow morning, I have to go back home." She hugs as you nod like a teenager being home alone.

You place your phone next to the bed, set up your alarm and brush your teeth.

You comb and braid your hair and fall asleep as soon as your body reaches the bed.

7:30 a.m. Wednesday

The sunlight of the early morning reaches the end of the bed slowly arriving at your face. The ringtone of your phone wakes you up as you groan.

*skip breakfast and the exhausting start of the morning (;*

The day starts once again making you more nervous picking up the phone and dialing the number.

"Y/n, have you made up your mind?" Guy asks as you sigh.

"Yes, I am willing to work in your project and design the costumes." You finally say, able to hear Guy's smile.

"That's great Y/n, we can start working if you are ready, if you come by the set tomorrow, you will be able to see your crew," Guy says telling everything you need to know about the film and the plans.

"Now, I will need the measurements of the actors soon, I have some ideas for the costumes that I need to address tomorrow." You tell him as he writes down some information.

"The actors will be free Friday for measurements at 9 a.m and I'll send you the address for the set." He organizes the days as you follow. You end the call with a huge smile on your face.

You videocall Jane waiting to tell her how happy you are because you couldn't believe how the job was going to work out and maybe designing costumes for your favorite childhood prince wasn't going to be that bad.

I am sorry for not mentioning Mena at all in this part of the Imagine. Also if I reply to your request and haven't done it is because I am working on others. I love this idea, very different from other requests ♥♥♥


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