Promise (pt3)

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Came back from high school and honestly, it's alright...

After spending the morning at Mena's house, he convinced to take you home, but only if he gave you his number.  The serious conversation had to lead somewhere, you both said some pretty personal subjects. Later on, he realized your real age, almost forgot you were 17 and had worried parents.

Eventually, his truck came to a stop in front of your house. You were terrified of the reaction of your parents, they hate seeing you. They rather see you drunk than happy.

You took a deep breath as Mena notices the look on your face.

"It's okay, Y/n, give me a call in case of anything." He reassured you while he softly pats your knee. You look down at his hand and back to him with a smile.

You open the door of the truck, slipping off the car seat and waving at Mena. He smiles at you but you felt something very different in his face, an emotion that wasn't there before. Like hope or happiness, maybe you both needed a friend.

The wooden front door swings open as your dad looks down at you. The bruises that cover your body started tingling in pain. The area around your eyes turning pink as small water form onto your eyelashes.

"WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT?!" He yells at you as his big ugly nails dug onto your skin, a cry in pain escaping your mouth.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!" You yelled back as Mena's eyes widened, watching everything in complete shock.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. The profanity that just came out of your father's mouth was heart-breaking. He had done this before but not in front of anyone. Your mother behind him with a cigarette between her slim fingers.  You stumble back on the concrete feeling bummed down and crying so hard.

The instant warmth of his fingertips picking you up from the ugly fall. Mena placing his body in front of you as your father stared in confusion.

"You shouldn't talk to her like that," Mena's voice was calm but deep down he was boiling in anger.

"Who the fuck are you?" He snickered while your mother wipes her pink lipstick causing the color to smear on her bruised cheekbones. She was drunk and also high at the same time, something very normal of her.

"I am her boyfriend! So don't lay your disgusting arms on her again!" He yelled, pushing your abusive father back. You gasped, he was protecting you and risking himself.

"Don't get in this boy!" The yells and screams were loud enough to make windows break. Every single word and insult they spat at each other felt like they could easily kill each other in a second.

"You know what, she is leaving!" Mena yelled taking your delicate body to the car as your dad cussed under his breath.

I don't like my writing on this one but I'll try to improve the next chapter :)

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