Childhood bully

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Requested by DeelovesMena

"Oh my God, my favourite sister in the world!" Kevin exclaims as he opens the door, you give him a smile going in for a hug as you hear chatter from behind him.

"We invited some childhood friends over that you might recognized." Kevin adds in as you rub your lips together nervously.

That was the last thing you wanted, for some old friends to know how shitty your life has become.

You walk into their beautiful house as many familiar faces look at you.

"Oh Y/n, you look so beautiful. How you've been?" A blonde girl stands up and gives you a very tight hug as you smile nervously.

"Ellie, right. Yearbook manager."

"Yes! I actually got a job as a photographer,  it's going really good." She says as you smile deeply at her, you have missed her, she was such a bright soul to talk to.

"Y/n, that is Alexander, June, Aaliyah, and Mena." Kevin points at the group of people looking over at you with wide smiles.

Mena's POV
The annoying little sister of Kevin was home and I never thought I would say it but she looked really pretty.

Her (y/c/h) falling gracefully on her side as she wore high waisted jeans and a crewneck that defined her hips and waist perfectly.

The pink rosiness of her cheek and small cute lips. The dark brown anime-like eyes that would always hide from my own.

She physically looked really good but there was something odd about her, she seemed distracted.

She walked down and shook all our hands as the only thing we did was smile right back.

After that, Y/n sits down next to Ellie, her fingers tapping on her thigh as Ellie talked quietly to her. Kevin and his wife Jane prepare dinner for all of the lovely childhood friends.

I decide that it won't be to catch up on her life after all I haven't talked to her in like forever.

Narrator POV:

Mena sits right next to Ellie and you.
He catches you off guard as you glance at him quietly.

"You look pretty bad, Y/n." Mena smiles as you roll your eyes.

"I am not wearing the stupid prom dress, Mena." Your sassiness makes him burst out a small giggle.

"How are you?"

"Um..good. Yeah..good." You repeat yourself, hearing John's voice in your head over and over again.

"That doesn't sound so convincing, "

"I know cause I am not sure either." You reply standing up the couch and walking away from Mena and a deeper conversation.

You make your way to the kitchen as you greet Jane. Your brother, after all, picked a very beautiful and smart woman, they were made for each other, it was obvious.

A/n: Um my two chapters on this are very short cause i am pretty tired  tired i might continue in the middle of

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