35 [FINAL]

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• save [sāv] - keep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or danger •

• save [sāv] - keep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or danger •

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The day had finally arrived. The wedding day.

After weeks upon weeks of preparation, everything was perfect. The cake stood on a table, towering high and topped with two small figurines that looked exactly like them, though that wouldn't be touched until much later.

People entered the church, taking their seats as directed. Neither of them had very big families, or very many friends for that matter, but still quite a crowd filled the seats, each waiting patiently for the big moment.

Jeongguk stood at the front, waiting to see Jimin walk in through the back door and walk down the aisle, with his mother hooked around his arm. Jeongguk couldn't help but wish his own parents could be there, to see him finally happy after so long of being lost.

He was sure they were looking down on him from heaven, their usual smiles covering their faces.

Jeongguk was brought out of his thoughts by the door opening. That's when he saw the love of his life. Jimin always had a way of making him speechless. But even more in this moment than ever.

His hair was perfectly done, with just that one stubborn piece that always fell down slightly in the front. But what made Jeongguk the happiest was Jimin's infectious smile that seemed to spread to every single person in the seats as he passed in what felt like slow motion.

The soft music decorated the air and Jeongguk couldn't keep his eyes off of the boy walking down the aisle towards him.

It seemed to all be moving so slow, yet completely in rhythm with the sway of the music. Jeongguk admired the twinkle in Jimin's eyes. His heart thumped loudly, strong in his chest.

Jimin finally reached the alter and Jeongguk took his small hands within his own, squeezing twice.

The ceremony was beautiful. There were tears and laughs and smiles. But most importantly, there was love, endless love.

And finally, as the two boys slipped the silver rings on each other's fingers, they embraced each other and kissed, sparks flying as the guests cheered behind them.

Jimin placed his hand on Jeongguk's chest, right where his heart was beating underneath. He let his eyes flutter closed, the sounds of the wedding drowning out behind him as he felt the beating of Jeongguk's heart, perfectly aligned with his own. Beating in perfect synchronization, bursting with love.

Jeongguk then proceeded to lift Jimin up into his arms, swaying slightly with the music as they walked down the aisle, sending kisses to all of their friends and family as they passed.

Next came the reception, as all the guest regathered after the emotional events of the wedding.

Jimin and Jeongguk shared a few dances, swinging each other around swiftly to the upbeat songs followed by staring into each other's eyes and gently swaying to the slower ones.

Jeongguk leaned down to Jimin's ear and said, just loud enough to be heard over the lovely notes of the piano, "I love you."

Jimin looked into Jeongguk's eyes and responded, "I love you too, Jeon Jeongguk."

The intimate moment was then ruined by Hoseok and Taehyung simultaneously coming up to the newlywed couple whining about wanting cake.

"We're gonna STARVE, Jimin! I'm dyin' over here. Listen to my stomach!" Taehyung gestured to his stomach while Hoseok stood behind him, making loud gurgling noises.

"Taehyung. I can literally see Hoseok making the noises that are supposed to be your stomach...growling? He just sounds like an alien trying to communicate with the human race for the first time honestly..." Jimin sighs and rubs his temples.

Taehyung made a grumpy face and Hoseok follows. Soon a soft chant begins to emit itself from Hoseok's mouth.

"Cake. Cake. Cake. Cake."

Jimin looks to Jeongguk, who looks to be stifling a laugh.

The chant gets louder.

"Cake! Cake! Cake! CAKEEEE!" Hoseok's arms are flailing wildly about him, getting closer and closer to the newlyweds.

"Okay! We're having cake!" Jimin finally lets out, causing a crowd of cheers to come from all of the guests who were watching Hoseok's wild performance.

Soon everyone is gathered around the towering four layer cake, iced with white and covered in delicate designs.

Jeongguk and Jimin take the knife in their hands, holding it together to make the first cut.

The knife goes smoothly down into the cake and cheers erupt as the first piece is cut by the newly wedded couple!

However, as the knife is taken out to begin making more slices for everyone, Jimin hears Jeongguk inhale tightly beside him.

Jimin looks over to see a line of blood down Jeongguk's finger.

As if he was expecting something like this to happen, Jimin pulls two bandaids out of his pocket and wraps them around Jeongguk's cut, kissing it upon Jeongguk's request to "make it all better."

Jeongguk kisses Jimin gently and says, "You'll always save me, won't you?"

Jimin smiles his contagious smile and responds,


The End

• • •

Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for a lil while there😂

To all those who have been waiting very patiently, thank you, and here is the very last chapter of Save Me!

Thank you for reading and thank you for all of the endless support!


Also please check out my new book DeRailed for a fun lil adventure!💜💜

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