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• ex·haus·tion [iɡˈzôsCH(ə)n] - a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue •

• ex·haus·tion [iɡˈzôsCH(ə)n] - a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue •

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Jeongguk collapsed into Jimin's arms, too weak to stand up anymore. Jimin guides him to the bed, laying him down. Jimin grabs a breathing mask from the hospital supplies and holds it to Jeongguk's mouth, allowing him to take in more oxygen.

"J-Jimin..." Jeongguk gasps for breath and grabs Jimin's wrist. Jimin puts his hand underneath Jeongguk's head, tangling his fingers in his hair.

"Min-seo, could you step out of the room? Don't worry, he'll be okay." Jimin sends a sincere smile over to Min-seo who backs out of the room and turns the corner. Jimin turns back to Jeongguk and his face floods with worry. He grabs a stethoscope and listens to Jeongguk's heart in between his gasping breaths. There was nothing wrong, his heart beat was strong.

"Jeongguk, I think you just overworked yourself. We went a little too fast and it was too much for your body. We have to take it a little slower from now on, okay? Just breathe for me."

Jeongguk groans out in pain and looks to Jimin in panic. Jimin caresses the side of his face to try and slow his breathing.

"Shh...shhh, you're okay. I'm right here. I've got you." Jimin watches as Jeongguk's breathing slows and his eyes close in exhaustion.

Jimin removes the breathing mask and sits on the edge of Jeongguk's bed, his face still in his hands. Jeongguk slowly cracks his eyes open, staring up at Jimin. His eyes glance to Jimin's lips and then back up to his eyes.

Jeongguk weakly picks his arm up and grabs a fistful of Jimin's shirt, pulling him down and into a kiss.

"Mr.Jeon! Oh...Is Mr.Jeon better now?" A familiar voice calls from the doorway.

Jimin's eyes widen in surprise as he pulls away from Jeongguk's lips. He looks to the door to see Min-seo with a huge bundle of blankets in her small arms. Jimin's face turns a bright pink but he manages a smile.

"Ah, Min-seo. He's a little tired but he's okay. What's all those blankets for?"

"They're for Mr.Jeon! This is all of the blankets from our blanket rope. Whenever I get super sick or my heart starts to hurt they always bring me lots and lots of blankets! I just thought since Mr.Jeon wasn't feeling good he would want some blankets." Min-seo smiles widely, her missing two front teeth making the scene even more adorable.

Jeongguk groans from beside Jimin, trying to get up. Jimin gently lays him back down.

"No, no. No getting up yet." Jeongguk sighs.

"Thanks Min-seo. I feel better already." Jeongguk directs towards the little girl, a small smile forming on his face.

"Anyways, are you two like a prince and princess?" Jimin lifts his eyebrow up at the little girl's question.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you two were doing the true love's kiss, right? To save him? That's like...princess 101, duh." Min-seo crosses her arms, disappointed in the boy's lack of knowledge.

Jimin nearly explodes into flames because of his blush. "No t-that's not what we were doing!I was just...making sure he was okay." Jimin places his hands on his burning cheeks, trying to cool down.

"I know a true love's kiss when I see it, Dr.Park." Min-seo taps her foot on the ground, trying to seem tough.

Jeongguk pipes up from next to Jimin, "You're right, Min-seo. He was saving me with a true love's kiss. Isn't that right, Dr.Park?"

Jimin sends a glare towards Jeongguk but squeaks out a tiny yes afterwards, just to make Min-seo happy.

"I knew it!" Min-seo bounces up and down, happy about being right.

Jimin nervously looks towards Min-seo. "You can't tell anyone though! It's my secret technique to save someone. No one else knows."

"Don't worry I won't tell anybody! You're secret is safe with me!" Min-seo does the motion for crossing her heart.

A voice suddenly calls out from right outside of the room, "Min-seo! There you are! Why are you out of your room? And what secret are you keeping now?"

"Dr.Kim!" Min-seo giggles out. "I can't tell you! That's why it's a secret, silly!" Taehyung comes into view as he pulls little Min-seo into a hug.

"The other Dr.Kim and I have been looking all over for you! You really have to stop running around." Taehyung sighs. He glances into the room and sees a red Jimin and a smiling Jeongguk.

"Hey, Dr.Park. Sorry about this little devil. I'll take her from here." Jimin nods and Min-seo pouts.

"She was really no trouble." Jimin waves bye to Min-seo, Jeongguk also throwing in another wave.

"Don't let Mr.Jeon get hurt, Dr.Park! I'll be mad at you." Min-seo sends a wink to Jimin and then crosses her heart again.

Taehyung picks up Min-seo and begins walking down the hallway. Both Jimin and Jeongguk chuckle as they hear Min-seo's voice echoing down the hallway complaining about how she 'wanted to play more with Mr.Jeon'.

"So, Jiminie. Want to give me another one of those life-saving kisses?" Jeongguk puckers his lips annoyingly.

"Oh shut up. How are you like this even after almost passing out? I can't believe you." Jimin playfully slaps Jeongguk's arm and his pink cheeks return after just fading.

"You love me, Jiminie. Just admit it." Jeongguk smirks at Jimin's pink cheeks and furrowed eyebrows.

"You wish, Jeon Jeongguk."

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