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• se·cret [ˈsēkrit] - something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others•

• se·cret [ˈsēkrit] - something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others•

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Jeongguk wakes up wondering why the couch feels smaller than it had the night before. He realizes that Jimin is encased in his arms, curled up to his side with his hand pressed against Jeongguk's chest.

Just as Jeongguk had wiped the sleepiness out of his eyes and was about to press a soft kiss to the top of Jimin's head, a loud alarm sounded throughout the room, startling him.

Jimin jumps up, eyes wide and looking around before landing on the boy next to him. His face flushes a tomato red as he stutters out, "I-I'm sorry..." He attempts to unwrap himself from Jeongguk's arms but is only pulled tighter into the boy's chest, soft lips placing themselves on his forehead.

"Don't be sorry. I like being close to you." Jimin's face deepens in color as he lets out a nervous giggle.

"Ah!" Jimin suddenly shouts out. "I have to get to work!" He pushes up off the couch and out of Jeongguk's grasp, looking around wildly to try and find his shoes. He spots them leaning against the wall and quickly makes his way over to them, nearly falling as he slipped them on. His hand was on the door handle when a voice stopped him,

"Wait!" Jeongguk sits up from the couch, barely able to keep up with Jimin's running around. "How do you plan on getting there?" A smirk forms itself on his face, his head tilting to the side slightly.

A flash of fear shows through Jimin's eyes as he remembers the gut wrenching motorcycle ride. He shakes his head and responds in a 'matter-of-fact' tone,

"I'm walking." He opens the door and listens as Jeongguk rushes to put on his shoes and follow the boy outside, the early morning air whipping against his face and waking him up.

"Jimin, I'll drive you there! You'll be late if you walk."

Jimin stops in his tracks, thinking over his options. Be late, but be alive. Be on time, but run the risk of death along the way. He sighs and continues to walk forward, heading towards the motorcycle to Jeongguk's surprise.

"It didn't take much to convince you today."

Jimin plays with his fingers nervously, looking at the threatening bike. His eyebrows were scrunched together as his focus never left the motorcycle.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me alone if I didn't accept your offer." Jimin takes a deep breath, nervousness seeping out of him.

Jeongguk places a helmet onto his head and then onto Jimin's, caressing the boy's cheek after clipping the strap together.

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