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• Emergency [e-mer'jen-se]- an unlooked for or sudden occurrence, often dangerous, such as an accident or an urgent or pressing need •

• Emergency  [e-mer'jen-se]- an unlooked for or sudden occurrence, often dangerous, such as an accident or an urgent or pressing need •

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It was a day like any other for Jimin. He woke up around 2:30AM, showered and quickly drove off to work at the hospital just a few blocks away.

Still rubbing sleepiness from his eyes he pushed open the glass doors of the hospital, running a hand through his thick black hair.

Jimin was immediately met with the hustle and bustle of the hospital. Loud crash carts being pushed down long hallways, the elevator beeping in preparedness, small children running around as they had escaped from their rooms to play tag with their friends. The hospital was always alive with activity, no matter how late.

Jimin quickly changed into his scrubs, getting ready to stroll down to the trauma center to see if any patients were being carted in on gurneys, likely with life-threatening wounds.

As he got into the crowded trauma center he caught his coworker and fellow fourth year resident, Kim Taehyung, by the arm.

"Hey what's going on down here? Anything new?" Jimin's eyes scanned the room, stopping on various bloody wounds and broken bones.

"Not much. There's a girl in bed 4 that you can check out, I'm trying to get in touch with her parents now," Taehyung scratched his head in annoyance, "Her babysitter let her get bit by some street dog, I think she needs stitches."

Taehyung quickly walks off in search of the girl's family records to contact the parents. Jimin walks over to the bed with the sobbing little girl.

"Hey there, how are you feeling?" Jimin flashes a toothy smile towards the girl.

"I-it hurts!" More tears streamed down the girl's face. Jimin wiped them gently and glanced over to the older girl sitting in a waiting chair, presumably the babysitter.

"Want to let me see it?" Jimin gently takes the girl's arm in his small hands and examines the wound.

"Ah stitches...yes." Jimin mutters to himself, immediately searching the room for the pediatric surgeon Dr.Kim. He's much better with kids.

Jimin tilts the girls chin up with his hand and says, "I'm going to get a very special doctor to help you feel better, okay?"

The girl nods her head up and down rapidly, wanting to get rid of her pain.

Jimin walks towards the center of the room and finally spots Dr.Kim.

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