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• yearn·ing [ˈyərniNG] - a feeling of intense longing for something •

• yearn·ing [ˈyərniNG] - a feeling of intense longing for something •

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Every time the hospital doors opened Jimin flinched and turned his head, eyes constantly scanning for the tall brown-haired boy.

The entirety of the day passed like this, Taehyung watching Jimin's bizarre behavior escalate each time the door opened again. Jimin was beginning to lose hope and think that Jeongguk might not show up.

Jimin nearly jumps out of his own skin when he hears the clearing of someone's throat. He whips his head around, almost expecting Jeongguk to be standing behind him, his cheeky smirk plastered across his face. Jimin's smile drops when he sees Taehyung shuffling towards him.

"What's got you so on edge today?"

"Just waiting for a patient." Taehyung lifts his eyebrow, confused as to why Jimin was so finicky about a single patient.

"You're acting weird. You don't usually act like this about a simple patient check-up." Jimin's eyebrows furrow.

"He's not a simple patient! I-I mean, it's just important that he shows up. It's nearly 7pm, he should be here by now." Jimin glances towards the doors, eyes fixated on the lowering sun.

"I'm sorry. Obviously he's an important patient to you. I'm sure he'll show up." Taehyung pats Jimin on the head, reassuring him.

"I hope he shows up soon. I'm off call in an hour and I want to be here for his check-up. I just don't understand why he isn't—" Jimin is cut off by the sound of the hospital doors opening. He whips his head towards the sound, his eyes meeting those of the very patient he wanted to see.

Jimin has to refrain himself from running into the boy's arms and tackling him. He shuffles over to Jeongguk slowly, his eyes never leaving the boy's face.

Jeongguk leans down towards Jimin's ear, whispering in a husky voice, "I missed you, kitty." Jimin flushes a bright pink as a smirk places itself upon Jeongguk's face.

Taehyung shrugs and watches as Jimin pulls Jeongguk by the arm into the check-up room. Jimin's cheeks not dimming in the slightest.

Jimin closes the door gently behind him, grabbing a stethoscope from the hospital supplies. He walks over to Jeongguk.

"Please, sit down." He gestures towards the hospital bed. Once Jeongguk complies with his request he says, "I'm just going to listen to your heart now."

Jimin places the stethoscope gently against Jeongguk's chest, listening to the steady beats of his heart. The rate is faster than usual. Slightly concerned, Jimin looks up at Jeongguk.

"Have you been overworking your—"

Jimin has no time to complete his question as Jeongguk's soft lips place themselves upon his.

"I missed you."

Jimin flushes darker and stutters out, "I missed you too."

Jeongguk stands up and kisses Jimin again, deeping the kiss and flipping Jimin around so the back of his legs meet against the edge of the hospital bed. He pulls away and looks at Jimin with darkened eyes.

"I got all of your messages. Do you know how hard it was to not be able to answer back? To say I missed you too?" Jeongguk kisses Jimin again before he has time to answer, swiftly pushing him so he's laying down.

As things get heated, Jeongguk's tongue exploring Jimin's mouth, he places his hands under Jimin's shirt, caressing the soft skin of his stomach. Jimin's skin becomes covered with goosebumps.

Jimin pulls away from the kiss and gasps out, "Jeongguk, we can't—"

"Shhh." Jeongguk places his finger against Jimin's lips. He moves down and attaches his mouth to Jimin's neck, sucking slightly. A sharp gasp echoes from Jimin, a deeper red taking over his cheeks.

Jeongguk begins to slide Jimin's shirt up, fully intending to rip it off of him. Jimin begins to grasp the edge of Jeongguk's shirt, pulling at it slightly. He allows Jimin to pull his shirt off, his smaller hands exploring Jeongguk's chest.

Jeongguk kisses Jimin again, deeper and more passionately. Jeongguk nearly has Jimin's shirt off when—


"I knew it."

Taehyung stood in the doorway, arms crossed and his eyebrow lifted upwards. Jimin's face becomes tomato red, he places his hands onto his burning face to cover his embarrassment. Jeongguk smirks at the doctor in the doorway.

"Do you mind? We're kind of busy here."

Taehyung scoffs. "Who do you think you are? This is a hospital, not a place for fooling around."

Jeongguk rolls his eyes and turns back to Jimin, planning on continuing even despite the audience. Jimin uncovers his face slightly, glancing at Taehyung. He pushes away from Jeongguk, grabbing the boy's shirt and throwing it at him before covering his face again.

Jimin takes a few steps away as Jeongguk puts his shirt back on. He looks back and forth between the smirking Jeongguk and the scowling Taehyung.

Jimin's eyes become slightly watery as he stutters out, "I-I'm sorry!" He pushes past Taehyung and runs down the hallway, hands never leaving his cherry red cheeks.

Jeongguk huffs. "Now look what you did! You made him sad." Jeongguk moves to leave but is stopped by Taehyung.

"You're the one who started this."

"And you're the one who got in the way. Now move. I need to go find him."

Taehyung places a hand on Jeongguk's arm, keeping him in place. His face becomes hard like stone as he utters out his next sentence, "Listen, I may not like this but if it's what he wants I won't stop it. However, if you decide to hurt him in any way, you're dead."

Jeongguk stops and looks Taehyung dead in the eyes. "I would never hurt him. I can promise you that."

Taehyung releases Jeongguk and watches as he runs down the hallway, eyes searching for the boy who saved his heart.

• • •

Thank you all so much for 1k reads! It means so much to me!!

I hope you all are enjoying the story <3

I'm starting school tomorrow so hopefully I can find time to write, don't worry I won't disappoint!!

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