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• re·cov·er·y [rəˈkəv(ə)rē] - a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength •

• re·cov·er·y [rəˈkəv(ə)rē] - a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength •

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Over the next five days Jimin worked with Jeongguk to get his strength up and his walking in tip top shape. Although there was some troubles Jeongguk was passing with flying colors, earning the ability to walk around without assistance. Of course, this came with terrible consequences for Jimin.

"Hey, Jiminie." Jeongguk smirked at Jimin as he leaned against the wall beside the help desk. "Aren't you so happy I can walk around all by myself? Now I can follow you around all the time!" Jimin rolls his eyes and focuses on the clipboard in his hand.

"Yeah, I'm thrilled," Jimin replied, sarcasm dripping from his words. "Could you just go lay back down? You still have one more day here and I don't want you to sabotage all of our hard work by acting stupid and walking around too much."

Jeongguk crosses his arms and lifts his eyebrow. "Jiminie, that was one time that I overworked myself. Just let me admire you." Jimin huffs and a slight blush covers his face.  He keeps working, attempting to ignore Jeongguk.

After about five minutes of silence and Jimin feeling Jeongguk staring intently at his face, he sighed and got up. He motioned for Jeongguk to go back to his room down the hall.

"Enough! Did anyone ever tell you that staring is rude? Come on. I'm taking you back to your room." Jimin grabs him by the wrist and drags him down the hall. "Now, lay down." Jimin gently pushes Jeongguk towards his bed.

Using his momentum towards the bed Jeongguk links his arm around Jimin's, pulling him right into his chest and onto the bed.

"Oh, sorry about that. Didn't see you there." Jeongguk winks and causes Jimin to become a fiery mess. Jeongguk's arm wraps around his waist, leaving him unable to escape.

"Let me go, Jeongguk. And stop doing this!" Jimin pushes against Jeongguk, trying to get out of his grip but to no avail.

"Jiminie, my heart hurts, won't you give me a kiss to make it better?" Jeongguk smiles like a little kid and watches as Jimin's eyebrows furrow and he bites his lip in annoyance.

"No. I'm getting up now. Maybe if you let me go...I could give you a small kiss." Jimin gives an angelic smile to Jeongguk who immediately releases him.

Jimin runs out of the room before he has the chance to get drawn in by Jeongguk's persuasiveness. Jeongguk just sighs, a lopsided smile donning his face.

"I'll be back later!" Jimin calls from down the hallway, refusing to go back for fear that he might fall into the trap of kissing Jeon Jeongguk.

A few hours later Jimin enters Jeongguk's room with a tray of food in his hands and sadness taking over his features.

"Kitty, what's wrong?" Jimin just slides the tray over to Jeongguk, slumping down into the uncomfortable orange chair opposite the bed.

"Don't call me that. And it's nothing." Jimin sighs again, kicking at the floor.

"Jimin. I won't eat a bite of this food unless you tell me what's going on."

Jimin looks up with sad eyes, his hands clenched together tightly.

"You don't want to know."

"I do want to know. Whenever something's bothering you of course I want to know! I mean you've been by my side for weeks I can't imagine not having you there at this point. I should at least know why you're feeling dow—"

"You're being discharged. Tomorrow. It's been approved." Jeongguk's face drops.

"Oh. That soon. Well at least we know I'm all better! That's good, right?" Jimin nods slowly.

"Yes, it's actually amazing how fast you recovered. I just can't seem to—" Jimin stops, angrily hitting his fist into the opposite hand. "I can't seem to be happy about it. You've invaded my mind Jeon Jeongguk and I can't seem to get rid of you!" Jimin slumps down further, huffing in disappointment.

"Well, don't be so sad! I still have to come in another time in what? A week?"

"Yeah...for your post-operation checkup. It's mandatory." Jeongguk softly smiles.

"Perfect, not that bad. So now, serious business." Jimin looks up worriedly. "As my final meal at this hospital, I would love whatever that gray mushy shit is—because it tasted somewhat like filet mignon—and a dessert consisting of five containers of purely—"

"Don't even say it," Jimin cuts him off, "You want green jello."

"You know me so well." Jeongguk wipes away a fake tear. Jimin rolls his eyes at Jeongguk's dramatic nature.

"Your 'final meal' as you put it, should be lunch tomorrow since you'll be discharged around 4 or 5. So, I guess, since I am the best doctor in this joint, I'll get the food you want." Jimin crosses his arms, waiting for a thank you, instead he gets a cheeky remark from the patient in front of him,

"Knew you could do it, kitty." Jimin punches him in the arm playfully.

"Stop calling me that!"

Jeongguk chuckles. "Park Kitty, Kitty Jimin, Kitty Kitty, Dr.Kitty—" He says each name whilst adding another finger to his hand, counting them out for Jimin to see, a playful smirk plastered on his face.

"Jeongguk," Jimin says in a whiny tone, "Stop..." Jimin covers his pink face with his small hands, embarrassed by the list of possible nicknames Jeongguk could pin on him.

"You know how to make me stop, just saying..." Jeongguk taps his finger onto his lips.

Jeongguk opens his mouth to begin spewing out more nicknames for the flustered Jimin but is stopped by a pair of lips delicately placing themselves on his before pulling away.

"T-there! Now will you stop?" Jimin stands awkwardly, playing with his fingers.

"I don't know, will I? Kitty." Jeongguk chuckles, watching Jimin become angry.

"Jeon Jeongguk, you're the most annoying patient I've ever had!" He taps his foot on the ground endlessly, trying to seem intimidating to Jeongguk.

"Yeah but I'm also the best patient you've ever had."

Jimin bites the inner corner of his lip before turning even redder.

"I mean, you aren't wrong...but you aren't right!" Jimin turns to leave the room, ending the conversation on his own since he knew Jeongguk wouldn't.

Jeongguk listens to Jimin's footsteps down the hallway, smiling wildly at how flustered he was able to make him.

"I know I'm right, Park Jimin. I just have to get you to admit it." Jeongguk says to the boring yellow wall in front of him, that toothy smile still taking over his face.

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