<I Kind of Want to Hold You>

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Hoseok knew that this meeting was going to be long, he knew the minute Jungkook asked him to wait for them. So, he figured now would be a good time to talk to his 'secret boyfriend'.

He was planning on telling his friends about them when he got back home, but Taehyung had been found. And right now that was all that mattered, they could come forward about their relationship later. Besides, Hoseok found it fun to sneak around. (Not that he liked hiding things from his friends, he just liked the thrill of trying not to get caught)

As he waited for his boyfriend to pick up, his heart started to warm. He couldn't wait to hear his voice again, even if it sounded unenthusiastic most the time Hoseok loved hearing the smoothness and hidden love in the way he talked.

"Yes?" Hoseok face brightened up instantly when he heard the others voice.

"Baaabe, I'm bored" He pretended to whine, his smile one his face.

There was a chuckle on the other line, the sound sending butterflies to Hoseoks stomach, "aren't you supposed to be with Taehyung and Jungkook?"

"I am, but something came up so Jungkook had to go to the station and now they are talking to the daughter of one of the women that was stuck with Taehyung..." Hoseok paused, he let out a soft sigh, "babe... do you ever think that Taehyung will be the same...?"

There was a short moment of silence on the other line, "no, I don't think he will be the same kid we knew when we were younger... But I do know that he is way stronger then the little boy we knew. He went through hell and came out only a shell of his old self. Now, now he will be able to re fill his shell. He won't be the same because he went through so much trauma, but he still is Taehyung."

Hoseok smiled, "I wish I was with you right now, hyung"

"Wish I could hold you in my arms, but work is a bitch and I've got something's Eunae wants me to do. See you tonight?"

" Yeah, see you tonight Yoongs."

"By babe."


Its a short chapter, but it's something sweet before more sad boi hours. Also there will be mentions of death next chapter, just so you know.

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