<Perfect Together>

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"Alright, Mr.Kim you're all set to go." This time it was the doctor who entered the room rather than the nurse he had grown comfortable with.

All six of the others were lazing around the room, Jungkook still sitting with the brunette on the bed. Jimin was chilling on the extra bed in the room, he was chatting away before the doctor had come in.

Jin and Namjoon were cuddling on a couch neatly place in the small room. Then Yoongi and Hoseok placed on the two extra chairs.

Jungkook grinned widely at the news, "really?"

"Yes, I also have the pills for you to take." The doctor approached Taehyung, his hand held out with the small bottle. "I suggest taking one before bed. To help with the sleeping."


"And if you run out, don't come back immediately, I don't want you dependant on them. Only come for more if sleeping is almost impossible." The doctor explains, "but try sleeping whilst cuddling something, a pillow, stuffed animal. It'll help take it from me," the man chuckled.

Taehyung nodded, "I'll keep it in mind."

"Alright, well whenever you're ready you can leave," the doctor smiled then walked back to the door, "goodbye all."

Once he was gone everyone turned to Taehyung, "so who are you staying with?" Jin asked, "we'll head over to their place, oh and we should go shopping for some more clothes for you."

"Kookie..." The youngest of the men smiled widely at hearing his name. Taehyung looked up and gave his oldest hyung a small smile, "but I don't have money and I don't want you to spend any on me..."

Jin tsked, "just think of it as makeup birthday presents from all of us. 'Kay, none of us mind buying you things."

Taehyung nodded, "all right hyung."

It was Hoseok who drove them to the mall. Taehyung wore some of Jungkooks clothes, seeing as he didn't have anything else to wear. And the younger was prepared enough to bring extras with him (he had hope that Taehyung would be healthy enough to leave).

In the car, Taehyung sat up front in the passenger's seat. Then in the back Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook sat. Jin and Namjoon were in a car ahead of them since there wasn't enough space for everyone in only one. And no one wanted to leave their vehicles at the hospital.

The ride was quick and quiet, someone starting a conversation every once in a while.

When they reached the big mall and parked in the underground part. Hoseok parked right beside Jin's car. All seven of the males took the same elevator to get to the floor with all the clothing shops.

"So Tae!" Jimin grinned at the male whose gaze never stayed in one place for too long. "Which shop do you want to go to first?"

Before he was given away the only stores he went to was the small ones around the neighborhood. So seeing such a large and crowded place made him feel awed and anxious. "I'm not sure..." he murmured still looking around.

"How about we go through all the shops and you can just pick out things that you want," Hoseok suggested.

"...yeah okay." Taehyung nodded.

They spent over three hours going through all the stores. Now Taehyung never was a picky person, but every time he saw a price tag of a piece one of the others picked out he declined it because they were all so expensive. The others though would simply buy it anyway, reminding him that these are his gifts and that they don't mind spending money on him.

Finally, they got to Jungkook's home. It was a small apartment in a quiet part of town, the building was cute in its own special way. There were a few noticeable cracks breaking away at the red-ish bricks, and the cement framing them. The building itself was only like three floors high, and held four apartments on the top two floors. And then two on the first floor. Jungkook lived in the 3rd room on the top floor.

"I would love to be with you longer Taehyung, but I've got to work early in the morning." Yoongi gave the younger a quick short hug and handed him a small bag of clothes, "see you later." He smiled.

Hoseok hugged him too, "I'm his ride, see you tomorrow?" Taehyung nodded and Hoseok smiled rufflingg the youngers hair.

"Are you three staying?" Jungkook questioned Namjin and Jimin. They all nodded and helped carry up the rest of the bags.

Since they had so many bags they all decided to take the elevator. "I'll make us some food, okay" Jin suggested on the ride up.

"Yeah, I usually just get some quick things from the store down the street." The youngest rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.

Jin sighed, "Jungkook you know that's not healthy you can't just live off instant ramen."

"Its not there's other things and instant ramen usually means i have to use a microwave and that's not happening so..." the younger shrugged smiling sheepishly up at his hyung.

The oldest rolled his eyes in a sort of defeat, "well I'll need to stop by more often to feed your ass. I can't let you starve."

As soon as they walked through the door Jin set down the bag he was carrying and went for the kitchen. Jimin went to the guest room with Jungkook to put away all of Taehyungs new clothes. And that left both Taehyung and Namjoon alone in the living room to talk about pieces of how Namjin got together from Namjoons planing side of the story.

"I had the whole plan looked at by Hobi and Yoongi like five times, I wanted it to be perfect. Yet some how I still managed to mess it up." He chuckled a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks whist rubbing the back of his neck.

Taehyung smile, "and yet he still said yes. Because you two are perfect for each other, you accept each other every part of one another." The younger clapped his hands slightly, "that's why I wanted you two to get together so badly, I knew you were perfect together."

Namjoon smiled, he loved that talking about his and Jins relationship seemed to distract the younger. Kept his mind in a happy place, "you know he kissed me first. I was attempting to rap and he just came up and bam, I swear I looked like a tomato." They both laughed, bright smiles plastered on both males faces.

For the first time in forever, even if Yoongi and Hoseok weren't with them. Namjoon felt as though finally everyone were together again, it was as though the younger male sitting in front of him was the glue that kept them together.

And how Namjoon missed them being together, all seven of them again.


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