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The rest of Jungkooks officers showed up not long after he contacted them asking where they were. Taehyung ended up falling asleep, since he's been awake, and through a lot in only a few hours. Jungkook carded his fingers through the elders' hair, he couldn't feel anything but happiness and sorrow looking at Taehyung.

Keith had passed out from the pain in his face and the amount of blood that escaped his nose. Caleb laid there next to the man.

Namjoon, Jungkooks captain burst through the door, he examined the room before a sigh escaped his lips. He looks right at the younger, but his eyes widened at the male laying upon his thighs. "I-is that?" He shakily asked pointing his long finger to the sleeping ethereal man.

Jungkook nodded, smile drawn over his face, little tears forming in his eyes the reality of finding his best friend hitting him hard now. "We f-found him..." The perfect smile soon falling to a sadden state, he looks up at the older some tears have slipped past onto his cheeks, "A-and he's b-een through H-H-hell... Hyung... Hyung... I hate this... Feeling... It hurts..."

"Kook... Be happy, we found him. We can finally know he is now safe." Namjoon walks closer, motioning to the other officers that have shown up to take away the two older men. He crouched down in front of the crying male. "I know how this must feel, I know that you feel responsible. You've said that many times before. But now all we need to do is celebrate having him back in our lives, right." Jungkook nodded, "let's get him to a hospital though,"

Another nod was given before Jungkook picked Taehyung up and held him bridal style in his arms. He placed him in the back of his car he drove here, then followed Namjoon toward the hospital.


"You found him?" Jin asked in disbelief from the other end of the captain's phone, his voice became shaky after hearing the news, "r-really? Please tell me... You're not fucking with me rig-right now..?"

"No Jinnie... He is here with me and kook at the hospital. It's really Taehyung." Namjoon replied, he also had small tears rolling down his cheeks.

There was a gasped sob in the other end, "th-those fucking bas-bastards! H-how co-could they?! Their own s-son... H-how could they..?"

The 25-year-old sighed, "d-don't start crying hyung... You know if you do I will..." Namjoon sniffed back the tears as best he could, "I-I need to look strong... Kook is... He is hurting... This was his first big case... He keeps mumbling how he should have finished sooner, he should've figured this out sooner. He thinks it's his fault Taehyung had to go through this. It's painful to see him like this..." Namjoon explained his voice quivering as he talked, for the first time in three years he sounded so small, so venerable.

"Ohh Joonie... I'll b-be there soon."

"Thank you hyung, I don't know how l-long I can last." Namjoon sighed shakily his fingers instinctively running through his hair in stress.


When Taehyung woke up he was laying in the hospital bed. A nurse doing some sort of information check on him, when she noticed he was awake she greeted him kindly.

"Ah, hello Mr. Kim." She grinned at him.

Taehyung looked around confused, where was Jungkook? Why was he here? The brunet looked back at the nurse and asked shyly, "Um... Why am I here?"

She smiled warmly, placing down her clipboard, "well, you're here mainly for a checkup... Just to see if anything is wrong." She informed, her hands behind her back as she talked, "but we were waiting for you to wake up to do a full check up."

"Oh..." Taehyung sighed, his fingers playing with each other in his lap, "wh-what do I have to do..?"

The nurse held out a little orange cup with a lid, "I just need you to urinate in this for me, then we'll take some blood sample afterward."

The male stared a the cup, he grabbed it with a shaky hand, "I-I have to pee in it?" He questioned, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "why?"

The nurse smiled, picking up the clipboard again. "So we can run tests on it, make sure nothing is out of the ordinary, and that you are healthy."

"Then you'll do the same with my blood?" She nodded, "how much blood do you need?"

"Not much just six of these small tubes full, it won't hurt if that's what you're worried about."

"Oh... Okay... Um... Do you want the pee now..?" Taehyung looked at her awkwardly, her smile never seemed to falter.

She nodded, "but if you need to take some time to wake up and get used to the setting that's fine. It would just be easier if it was soon though."

"Okay, I can do it now for you..." He said slowly getting out of the bed heading toward the bathroom in the room he was in.

Once done he handed the now full cup to the lovely nurse who nodded at him, "we'll give you some time to adjust to the room, we'll get you some food for after we take your blood." She said before leaving the small room, leaving Taehyung alone.

He let out a sigh, "I'm finally free.." He smiled slightly.


Jungkook was going crazy, the awful thoughts of what Taehyung had to go through running through his head. And the fact that if he had figured out a way to corner those sick bastards sooner, or even stopped Taehyungs parents somehow, none of this would've happened. Taehyung would never have gotten hurt. He never would have had to go through that torture.

He was gripping his hair harshly, pulling at it in frustration, "fuck."

"Jungkook.?" A woman's voice spoke up. The said man looked up to see the nurse that had been assigned to Taehyung, "he is awake, I was wondering if when you go to see him if you could give him this. Food for later" She said holding out a box, filled with the food he'll need to give the older.

"Yeah of course." Jungkook stated, standing quickly and taking the food from her, "I can go see him now right?" She nodded and smiled before leaving.


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