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"I'm glad you came back," Miyeon smiled her regular warm smile, "I enjoyed talking to you last time,"

Taehyung nodded taking the seat across from her, Jungkook sitting next to him again. "I liked talking to you too, you're easy to talk to."

"Thank you," Miyeon nodded her head, today her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail. She reached out for her pen and pad, "how are the two of you getting along? Anything happen  since we last talked?"

The two males were more relaxed this time then the last, they were still a little tense, well Jungkook was. He wasn't sure he was prepared to hear more of what Taehyung went through.

Taehyung tilted his head, "what do you mean?"

"Anything, tell me how you're week went and we will work our way into the session." The woman explained, "you don't have to talk about your week but it may help so we can ease our way to talking about the past."

Taehyung nodded, "well um after our first meeting I got my hair fixed up and we ended up talking to the daughter of Hana, a woman that was with me. The next day we visited Jin hyung and Lisa again and had his treats. Um... the week was kind of slow, I guess I'm still trying to get comfortable with all the changes."

Miyeon smiled and jotted a couple of notes down, then she glanced over at Jungkook who had a far off look in his eyes. He seemed like he was deep in thought, the current conversation going on in between Taehyung and her. Then her gaze was back on Taehyung, "I hadn't mentioned it yet but your hair looks great Taehyung."

He smiled, "thank you,"

"Alright, so your week was good, slow but good," Taehyung nodded, "good, now you mentioned talking with a woman. The daughter of Hana, you mentioned Hana last time too, who is she?"

"She was like a mother to me, she kept me sane, as sane as I could stay. She kept me as safe and away from doing 'jobs' as she could, she thought that her daughter had died in a failed attempt at escape." Taehyung explained softly, he had been thinking a lot about Hana. How much she had shielded him away from the pain that would've been inflicted on him. His years there would have been way worse if she wasn't there for him.

Miyeon waited as Taehyung sat in silence, he was reflecting, he was deep in his head at the moment and it wasn't wise to kick him out too soon. She turned her attention to Jungkook who watched Taehyung carefully, the same loving look in his eyes, she noticed this last time.

After a second or so Taehyung looked up again with a smile, "do you have more questions?"

"I do," Miyeon returned the smile, "The 'jobs' I'm guessing are the interactions you were forced into?" Taehyung nodded and Jungkook clenched his jaw tightly looking away from the older male. Of course Miyeon payed attention to this, "have you ever refused to fulfill a job?"

Taehyung nodded again, his head hanging low again, "many times, but it wasn't like I had a choice Keith would make me... and if I wasted too much time and the customer was unhappy I would get punished."


Taehyung had baracaded the bathroom door with anything and everything he could find, he was huddled in the corner of the room his stuffed tiger pressed to his face. They wanted him to see Beomsok again, he was so mean the first time, Taehyung couldn't do anything properly for two weeks after their meet.

Keith banged on the door harshly, "you little bitch let me in!" He shouted his voice and booming blows to the door left a ringing in Taehyungs ears. "Beom is our best paying client! I don't give a fuck what he does to you, you will take it!" He shouted, "now get your ass out here before I get someone to break that damn door down!"

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