<I'll K*ll You!>

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The hot water was amazing, Taehyung wasn't too sure he'd ever get used to having a long hot shower. After the time at the hospital he tried to occupy himself with good thoughts while taking a shower.

Thoughts like, puppies and how cute the ones he had seen on Jungkooks phone were, or Jimins hugs, Namjoons dimpled smile, Yoongis gummy smile and pats to the head even though Taehyung was taller then him. The way Jin hyung comforts him and his laugh. And now, his boyfriend, Jungkookie.

Taehyung giggled at the thought, "boyfriend." He said quietly, another giggle rippled through him. Just the thought of it let free butterflies in his stomach.

He ran his fingers through his hair, shampooing them eyes closed and the biggest smile on his face.

As he rinsed his hair he heard a crashing sound, his eyes shot open and he looked towards the door, "Kookie?" He called out, there wasn't a reply.

Taehyung rinsed out his hair fully, and called out to Jungkook once more, "maybe he dropped something in the kitchen..." He whispered to himself, his heart rate rising, he continued with his shower, reaching for the conditioner. It fell from his hands when he heard a bang and saw the walls shake.

Something wasn't right, he hopped out of the shower throwing his clothes on. He really didn't want to leave the bathroom in just a towel.

After he was dressed he raced out the bathroom, he heard the distant sound for coughing and then skin hitting skin, over and over. Without fully thinking he ran into the living room, the sight of Jungkook being beat to death by a much larger man.

If you ask Taehyung what happened after this, he wouldn't be able to tell you, he blacked out. Rage took over him and he reached for the discarded gun on the floor, "GET OFF HIM!" He screamed, the gun pointed at the man.

The man turned to face him, panting from all the effort he put into those punches. "Well, well , well, little V." Man smirked, he didn't move from his spot, Jungkook slipped down the wall, his face bloodied and Taehyung could see a huge bruise starting to show when his shirt was forced up by his fall.

"Looks like I don't have to go find you," the man took a step towards Taehyung, he paused when the younger cocked the gun. "Come on sweetie, but that down you couldn't hurt me." He stepped closer, and Taehyung fired, a bullet landing right in the middle of the man's chest. 

He looked at Taehyung with shock, Taehyungs face was blank and emotionless. Those cold eyes were the last thing he saw as he fell to the floor.

After the shot was fired, it wouldn't take long for cops to get here. Taehyung took a moment, he stood there and stared at the dead body of the man who hurt his boyfriend.

His boyfriend.



" Kookie!" Taehyung rushed to his side, he cupped his face gently in his hands, "Kookie, can you hear me?" He started to cry, the younger was so bloodied and he looked as though he was dead. Taehyung listened for his heart, and sigh with relief when he heard it. He gently laid his boyfriend against the wall, "I'll be right back okay Kookie, I need to call Joonie hyung."

Quickly he looked for the youngers phone, finding it on the floor near the kitchen. He clicked on the contact name as fast as he could, it only rang once. "Jungkook? Are you alright?"

"H-hyung..." Taehyung Let out a soft whimper.

"Taehyung? What the matter? What's going on?" Namjoon was worried, he had, had his phone next to him and ready to answer at all times since he left.

Taehyung choked on a sob, "hyung, k-k-kookie... He's hurt... a-and I-i think I Sh-shot someone..."

Silence waited on the other end of the call, Taehyung was fully crying now, fear of the realization of what he had done hit him hard. "Taehyung, I need you to listen to me alright. Jinnie is calling the ambulance, they'll be there  shortly. We are on our way and need you to stay calm ok?"

"I-i shot a man... hy-hyung I'm a m-murder"

"No Tae, you were saving Jungkook and yourself. The man would have probably killed Jungkook if you didn't do what you did." Namjoons voice was slow, he was trying his best to keep the younger calm.


"Don't worry about anything but staying calm okay? I will deal with everything, I'll talk to the police, all you'll have to do is tell them what happened. Understand?" Taehyung nodded even though Namjoon couldn't see it. "Now Taehyung we're almost there, stay with Jungkook till we get there alright?"

"Okay hyung," he said shakily.

"Do you want me to stay on the phone with you till we get there?" Namjoon asked softly.

"Yes please, I'm scared." Taehyung wiped at his eyes, snifleing.

Namjoon sighed softly, "you don't need to be scared Taehyung, we're all here for you, me and Jin, Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi. Plus Jungkook is tough and strong, he won't let this stop him,"

It was weird, this, having someone there to comfort him. It's been so long, someone to reassure him that he'll get through it, that he's strong. It's been so long since someone was there to love him and care enough to drop everything for him. Even in his fear filled stated, he was able to break a small smile, "I... I'm glad... I'm so so glad I have you hyung..." Taehyung cried into the phone.

"We will always be here for you Taehyung," Namjoon replied softly.


A double update for You, since it took me so long to get the last one up. And luckily had had the whole chapter decided after I posted the last one.😊

Plus I didn't like leaving it off like that😙

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