<My Gift To You>

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As Taehyung explained one memory, one of the really traumatic ones. Jungkook listened intently, his jaw clenching in anger at certain things. Once Taehyung got to the end though he stopped the older, "wait." His voice cut through Taehyungs thoughts and got him to look at the younger.

"Your tiger, the one you're brother gave to you?" He questioned slowly, anger filling his eyes, Taehyung nodded. It was quiet, Jungkook looked down at his thighs, thoughts running through his head. When finally here stood up, "I... Uh... Can I leave for a bit?" He asked his hyung.

The olders eyes widened for a second, "why...? Are you ok?"

"Yeah... I'm fine, I just... Need to do something..." The younger responded, Taehyung watched him for a moment, "I can get Namjoon hyung to come in if you want... He'll drive you back to my place or to Jin's... I'll be back though."

"I... Okay..." Taehyung whispered loud enough for the younger to hear, and then Jungkook was out of the room and Namjoon came in a couple seconds after.


Jungkook was enraged, the bastards hurt his Taehyung so much, they broke him. And the younger absolutely hated them for taking his one and only love away from him. He hailed a cab to take him back to his house, he needed his car for this.

He paid the driver and got into his own car as soon as the woman left. He drove to the police station, he wanted to check to see if the pieces of Taehyungs tiger had come here.

Bambam sat at the entrance like always and greeted Jungkook, "hey kook, what at you doing here?"

Jungkook smiled, a bit of his anger leaving seeing the cheerful male, "Hey, I'm looking for something. It's kind of important but I doubt it'll be here considering..."

"If you don't mind, what are you looking for?" He asked leaning forward on his desk, his head resting in his hand and elbow on the wooden surface.

A light pink blush spread across his cheeks, "well," he scratched his neck with his pointer finger, "it's about Taehyung..."

"Ooo." The other grined a knowing look in his eye.

"Shush," The younger pouted, "his late brother gave him this stuffed tiger, he adored the thing... when he was with Norman the tiger was damaged and possibly trashed. I just wanted to check to see if it was or not." The younger started to lower his voice near the end of the explanation due to Bambams growing grin.

" You are so cute when in love!"

"Wh-" Jungkooks eyes widened, "n-no... I..."

Bambam laughed, "you can't hide it, I can tell you love him."

Jungkook stared at him with shock for a couple seconds, his mind running through everything that he had said. Then the moments with Taehyung, or times he simply talked about the older. He knew he liked him, he knew he lived everything about him, "yeah," he sighed. "You're right, I guess you shocked me." He gave a small smiled.


Jungkook hadn't come back yet, Taehyung was worried, Namjoon and him had gone to see Jin hyung then went for diner. At the moment the three were back at Jungkooks watching tv. Taehyung hadn't really been able to focus on the movie, he kept glancing at the door waiting for the younger to return.

" He is fine Tae, he'll probably be back soon," Jin rubbed his back, he sat next to the younger on the couch with Namjoon on his other side.

Taehyung looked up at the other, his round eyes made him look like a sad puppy, "I'm tired..." he said quietly.

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