<Not Quite Family>

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Taehyung fell asleep after the nurse left, the loss of blood made him a bit tired. So after drinking some apple sauce like substance, he slept.

The younger raven haired male sat near his bed, he watched the other. His mind running with happy memories the two had, and then thoughts about where Taehyung was going to stay after being released from the hospital. Slowly Jungkook got up to leave the room.

As soon as he left the room he was met with his hyung. "Jin hyung?"

"Hey kook," he moved closer to his young friend, he gently placed his hands on the boy's shoulders, "how are you doing..?"

"What do you mean?"

Jin sighed, "how are you doing with this, with Taehyung being back?" The older looked into Jungkooks eyes looking for any sign of hidden emotions. Since Jungkook always tends to hide how he really feels.

Jungkook faltered, he wanted to hide it he didn't want to break down, he wanted to look strong. But the worry on his hyungs faces, meeting the boy he loved again after seven years of not knowing where he was or how much pain he was going through, having that said boy laying in a hospital bed. He couldn't hold the sob that came out back.

Tears and sobs racked through him, Jin just brought him into a tight embrace. Rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"H-he went th-through so m-much. Wh-why di-didn't I sa-save him s-sooner...?" The young officer cried.

Jin shook his head, "don't blame yourself, the only people to blame are Taehyungs parents and the evil people that hurt him, you didn't know, none of us did."

"B-but i-it-"

"Just because it was your case doesn't mean anything, he was taken long before you were even suggested to the old captain. That wasn't your fault and there was nothing any of us could do."

Jungkook looked up at his hyung, his eyes and face red, "what even brings a person to do something like that, h-he was th-their child...?"

A tear started to gloss up Jin's eyes now too, "they weren't his parents, they were monsters that ruined an angel... all of those people were."

After a while of the two huggings and comforting each other, they both calmed down as much as they could. "Jimin is coming over to mine and Joon's house, I think you should come to, it's not a good time to be apart."

"Wh-what about T-tae?" Jungkook asked, his voice quiet.

Jin sighed, "there isn't much we can do, he won't be discharged till they run the tests. He'll be here all night and the visiting hours are almost over."

"But he'll be alone, I don't want him to be alone." The boy whispered. "I-I'll stay here. With him. I-I'll talk to the nurses."

"You can't stay unless you're family or spouse." Jin shook his head, "I'm sorry, I don't want to leave him alone either. But we have to."

Jungkook quickly stood up and started walking toward the front desk, "We are the only family he has. It should count."

The older male watched him with sad eyes, slowly he followed behind him. "Don't make a scene if you can't kook."

"Then they better let me." Jungkook murmured as he walked down the halls.

The moment the two had made it to the front desk Jungkook started firing questions. "Hi, I was wondering if I would be able to stay here through the night with one of your patients. Would that be possible?" He asked.

The young man sitting there looked slightly shocked, having not noticing Jungkook walk up. "U-um are they your family sir?"

Jungkook nodded, "Theoretically, we aren't by blood."

"In law?"

"No." Jungkook leaned over the desk, the man sighed. "We are super close friends, practically family. Hell, the only family he has at the moment, and frankly, I don't think he should be alone at the moment." He continued trying to make a compelling speech to win the guy over.

Alas, the man behind the counter sighed again, "the rules state that family, being by blood or marriage are allowed to stay. Being close friends don't count sir."

"My friend has gone through so much trauma and I'm worried he'll do something he shouldn't," Jungkook argued.

The man looked up at him, "then call in some immediate family of his."

"He doesn't have any! I already said that!"

"Well if you'd like we could put him on a safety watch if anything irregular were to happen wed stop it and inform you after." He looked down at his computer typing at a few keys, "what is the patients' name?"

"I don't want you guys to watch him. I want to make sure he is safe! I need to keep him safe!" Jungkook exclaimed slamming his hands down on the desk, people around them stopped and looked at him.

Jin groaned rubbing his eyes, "this is exactly what I didn't want to happen" he quickly made his way to Jungkooks side, "sorry for my friend." He smiled warmly, "the patient's name is Kim Taehyung. This guy is so stressed because our friend went through a lot of shit. He was taken away from us a long time ago, this guy was affected the most. I'm not asking you to immediately take his side and give in to him. I was just hoping maybe you could see it from his point of view."

The man glanced between the males, Jin continued, "Jungkook" he gestured to the younger, "may not realize it, but he is just scared to leave Taehyung, he is worried that if he goes to far away from him he'll be gone again. Taehyung isn't the only one traumatized, a whole lot more than everyone else yes. But not the only one."

Jungkook stared at Jin in slight shock, he honestly didn't expect that "...hyung" he whispered.

The man at the front desk noticed that there was some tension between the two. He still ended up commenting, "that's sad, but I still can't change the rules."

Jin smiled, "I know, sorry for the inconvenience." He bowed to the man before gently grabbing Jungkooks arm and leading him away. "Now, please stay at my place tonight. I'd feel better about myself being there for you and Jiminie at least, knowing I can't be here for him right now."


"Please?" Jin pleaded and placed both hands on the youngest shoulders. "Well leave Taehyung a note telling him well be here as soon as visiting hours are open if that'll make you feel somewhat better."

Jungkook was unsure, he glanced away for a moment then mumbled a quiet, "f-fine."


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