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Taehyung asked Jungkook to cuddle with him, he was tired, everything drained him. Since he wasn't used to to doing that much in a day, just sex. He also wasnt used to having a say in what he did, and sleep just seemed to always dirft into his mind. So Jungkook and him sat together on the couch, Taehyung latched himself on to the younger male and fell asleep instantly.

Hoseok sat on the chair, he was smiling watching the younger two together. "I'm glad," he stated stealing Jungkooks attention away from Taehyungs sleeping face, he hummed in question. "That he is back, I'm glad."

"We all are," the younger stated running his fingers through his hyungs blue strands, his gaze falling back to Taehyugs face, "he is home now, safe, with us."

"Yeah, but that's not the only reason I'm happy. I'm glad he is safe now, no longer suffering through the things he went through there. But for everyone else, they're all happier." Jungkook looked back towards Hoseok, the olders gaze where his just was, "He always made us better, kept us happy... even though he was always going through so much with his parents... You smile more, you know, since he came back." Hoseok chuckled locking eyes with Jungkook, "maybe it's because you love him, but you've smiled a lot today compared to the years he has been gone."

Jungkook stopped, he looked down at Taehyung then back to Hoseok, "You know, when he was gone I felt like he was hurting... I felt like I had to do something." He sighed, his fingers lightly sliding along Taehyungs cheek bone. "I felt that he was in pain and it hurt me to know that I couldn't do anything... I joined the police force because I wanted to help him somehow. I didn't know where he was or how I could help him, but I felt closer to the problem when I joined..." 

"I couldn't feel happy, that feeling made me feel like since I couldn't do anything to help him... it was my fault. If only I was strong enough, smart enough I could've saved him sooner." Jungkook wiped at the tears leaving his eyes, "I'm sorry..."

Hoseok shook his head, "It's good to get it out,"

"Yeah... Hobi, you never did tell us why you went with Yoongi hyung to Japan. If it's okay, why did You?" Jungkook asked changing the subject away from his feelings.

"Well," The older scratched the back of his neck, "I needed to get out of Seoul I guess. Yoongi was going on a trip so I asked him if I could go with him."

The youngest nodded, "You and him? Are you together?"

" What?"

"Are you and Yoongi hyung dating?"

"What makes you think that?"

Jungkook smiled at his hyung, still trying to forget the previous conversation with on like this, "You guys are always together now, unless one of you is off doing something. It's rare to see you apart. And plus when you texted him at the salon when we were waiting I happened to look over and see the heart beside his name."

The older blushed, maybe adding that wasn't the best idea.

"Why didn't you guys tell us?" Jungkook asked, "You know we'd never judge you two, hell me and Jimin hyung have a bet going. He owes me $100 now by the way."

Hoseok chuckled, he sent a quick text to Yoongi, "Kook, we know that we can trust in you guys... But you know how Yoongi's family is, he doesn't want the relationship to be a big deal." Hoseok smiled, his mind flowing to the moment they got together, how angry he had been about his girl friend. How calming Yoongis presence made him feel, how warm his voice made him feel, how that first kiss sent butterflies to his stomach. "He loves me, so I don't need what we have to be a big deal or to be totally out there. I hope that we can tell everyone soon," he looked to the younger, "but till that happens, I can be happy knowing that me and him are in love and together."

Jungkook smiled brightly, "and now you've got someone to come to when you need to fan boy over hyung or the stuff he does." Hoseok rose and eyebrow at the comment, Jungkook raised his free and quickly, "just keep it pg please."

The two laughed together, "Ill be sure to come to you." Hoseok grinned.

*a couple days later* (so like sunday)

Yoongi glared at the man standing before him, "father." He addressed the male. His father resembled him, just taller and his eyes were less welcoming, the darkness to them sent shivers down everyones spine. Mr. Min had deep brown hair and a pale completion much like his son.

"Son." The other addressed back, taking a seat in the chair opposite of Yoongis "You haven't spoken to me since your mother's death, what is it that you wish to talk about?" 

Yoongi leaned on his knuckles, "trust me, I wasn't planning on involving you in this but Eunae said that we needed you in order to fufil what I wish done."

"And what is it you want done, Son?"

There was a short moment of silence, the two men in the room emitting a strong aura. For anyone other then Yoongis sister the area would feel suffocating.

Finally Yoongi spoke, "You remember my friend that left when I was younger?"

"Young Kim Taehyung, great kid with a tragic deal to life. Yes I remember him,"

Yoongi sighed, "well... we found out where he has been for all these years."


The younger clenched his jaw and fist, he took in a deep breath to calm himself down slightly before continuing. "His parents sold him off to human trafficking, a group working for the Rain family."

"And you plan to put the Rain family through hell for what they did, am I right?" Mr. Min questioned sitting forward in his seat more.

Yoongi nodded at his father, "I'm planning a war of families. Eunae said that I couldn't start one unless everyone in our family was in on it... so will you help?"

Mr. Min smirked, "I may not have liked that you spent so much time with those boys, but they are your circle right? You depend on them right?" Yoongi nodded, "right then. I'm in, I would have done the same for those in my circle."

Yoongis expression shifted to almost match the man sitting across from him, "so" his father said, "what's the plan of attack?"


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