
4K 179 16

Panic and anger started to rise in Jungkooks chest, this was happening, someone was coming to take Taehyung away from him again. There was no way in hell he was going to allow that to happen again.

Quickly Jungkook locked the window, it probably wouldn't help much if the person decided to smash his window but hopefully it might slow them down. That is only if Mr. Min wasnt able to stop them, and he had faith in yoongis father.

He could hear the shower running, he sighed, slowly making his way over to the front door. He looked out into the hall through the peep hole, he couldn't see anyone.

He sighed again, what was he gonna do, he was sure this guy wasn't going to just knock on the door polietly. He knew he didn't want to worry Taehyung, so he didn't want this encounter to be loud. He just wanted this to be finished quickly and quietly, without Taehyung finding out he was even in danger.

Jungkook glanced back down the hallway to the bathroom and back to the door through the peep hole, a figure started towards his door from the stairs. He noticed immediately the gun in his hand, and the large size difference between him and the man, "fuck," he murmured to himself. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Alright Jungkook, you got this, it's just like anyone else you've detained, armed and bigger than you." He attempted to pep himself up, "the only difference is that, the love of your life is in danger and if you fail here you lose him again..."

He started pacing back and forth, his own gun in hand, the starting of a plan went through his mind as the sound of knocking on his door echoed through his head.

He really did knock politely...?

Jungkook hesitated at the door, he looked through the peep hole, the man hadnt put his gun down. Jungkook figured that the man planned to bust the door as soon as he opened.

He could pretend to be someone weak, but that might leave a opening for the man to shoot him. Then Taehyung would really be in danger. He'd have to take this outside if he could, the hallway was always empty. But what if Taehyung came out of the shower and freaked out when Jungkook wasn't there and goes into the- "calm down Jungkook," he groaned quietly as he rubbed his head with his free hand.

Jungkook decided to keep the fight in the hallway, Taehyung was safer this way. As soon as he open the door he lifted his gun to the man on the other side, "back up," he ordered, the man paused at the sight, he smirked.

"Oh, so you're the little guarddog," he mockingly raised both hands, "has V been treating you well?"

Jungkook glared at him, "drop your weapon and back up." His voice was dangerously low, his eyes were burning with rage and every movement the man made some how made him angrier.

The man chuckled, dropping his gun and kicking it off down the hall, "you gonna shoot me cop?"

"If it comes to it, then yes." Jungkook threatened, "Now back the fuck up."

The only warning of the attack was the dirt on the man's face, his smirk turned into a sneer and the next thing Jungkook knew his jaw was throbbing and he was on the floor. "Fuck," he was dizzy from the shock, but as soon as he got over it he got up.

His gin had fallen fronbhis hands from th force of the fall, he didn't give the man enough time to go the weapon. He kicked at the man's back knocking him to the side, but not to the floor. He stumbled for a second before locking glares with the young officer.

The man charged at him, his fist raised ready to hit Jungkook. From the dull throb of his jaw Jungkook knew it wasn't too bad, but if the man landed another hit to his jaw like that it would break. Swiftly, Jungkook slipped to the side and attempted punching the back of his head but the man turned too fast and landed a hit to Jungkooks side.

Usually, with big guys like this Jungkook could over power them with his speed since he was smaller then them. This man however seemed to be big and quick.

Jungkook almost cried out in pain, but he didn't want to alert Taehyung. Instead, he bit down on his lips hard splitting it.

"Oh come now guard dog, I was told you were better then this. You got both Keith and Caleb down, at this rate little V will be back with us before you know it." The man kneeled next to where Jungkook was holding his side, Jungkook glared.

"I'm not done, and there is way in hell I'll let you fucking touch him" he spat leaning his head back and headbutting the larger male as hard as he could. He hit him so hard it left his vision blurry, he didn't stop for a second even with the poor sight he'd have for at most a minute.

The man fell back knocking into the coffee table, "fucking bitch!" He got up slowly holding his head and stumbling a bit.

Jungkook looked around for his gun, but in his blurred out stated he couldn't see it. He heard the man's loud footsteps as he rushed towards him, slamming him into the wall. Pictures and a clock fell smashing against the floor, so much for not being loud.

Pain shot up Jungkooks spine and through his abdomen, he coughed and a bit of blood landed on the man's shoulder. The man moved back, everything was blurry to Jungkook, he saw the silhouette of the man raising his fist, he felt he harsh impact of his fist. Jungkook wasn't too sure as to how many times the man punched him, he blacked out after the first punch.

The man was way more trained and skilled then him, he was so much stronger than Keith and Caleb, he should've shot the man at his door...



Sorry for not updating this for so long🙂

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