<I'll Protect You Always>

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Namjoon was the first to ask, when Jungkook sat back down "who was that? Everything okay?"

"Everything is fine," Jungkook smiled at the older, " It wasn't as serious as he made it out to be."

"Are you sure?" Namjoon asked, Jungkook just nodded with a little smile.

"Everything is good hyung, let's continue now" Jungkook reached for his drink, "celebrating me and Tae," he grinned brightly to his now boyfriend.

"...ok yeah," Namjoon agreed, nodding slowly his mind still worrying about what had happened.

Jungkook sighed, "if it worries you I can tell you about it on the way home, I just want to focus on this right now though,"

It was true, as much as he knows this is something he should put all his focus on, he didn't want to. This moment was ment for celebrating, cheering over him and Taehyung finally getting together after all their hardships, after being apart for so long. To celebrate them. He didn't want to worry, he knew this was serious, he knew he wouldn't forget about it. But he wanted this moment to be wonderful and happy.

"Yeah, okay,"

The night continued, they did have a good time, all four of them were smiling and happy. They all cheered rather loudly when Jin decided to make a toast to "his babies finally getting together." As he put it.

It was great, it was amazing, it was how Jungkook wanted it to go. With Taehyung not worrying about anything, or fearing going back to his place. With Taehyung feeling safe with him, how he wanted it to be. How he was going to make sure it stayed that way no matter what.

At the end they all got tierd Jin a little tipsy, Taehyung yawning a lot, Jungkook getting more and more anxious to go home and Namjoon noticing.

On the walk home Jin and Taehyung were leaning on each other walking ahead of the other two. Namjoon placed his hand on the youngers shoulder, "alright, tell me what happened."

Jungkook looked up at him, he was Solent for a second before he let out a sigh, "okay, but keep it as quiet as you can please hyung." He nodded, and Jungkook continued his gaze directed to Taehyung watching to make sure he's still safe.

"The guy that came up to me was Mr. Min, he told me that they figured out that the people Keith were working for were trying to get Taehyung back..." he glanced up at Namjoon with a bit of fear in his eyes, "they'll hurt him now that Yoongi hyung delt with their bosses..."

"Oh my god, Jungkook you should have said something earlier. We can stay the night at-"

"No, I don't want Taehyung to worry... Mr. Min will be standing guard outside our building, and I'll stay awake till I get the OK."

"Jungkook, this is a lot I thi-"

Jungkook stopped walking, "I'll protect him." He stated glaring at the ground, "I have to, if I can't then... then..." Namjoon wrapped his arms around him.

Jim and Taehyung had stopped as well and quickly made their way to them when they noticed Jungkook was softly crying against Namjoon.

"What happened? What's the matter Kookie?" Taehyung asked worried, he placed his hand gently on the younger and the second he did he was held tightly in the youngers arms. He paused, and sent a questioning glance at Namjoon who sighed.

"I love you Tae," Jungkook whispered against the olders shoulder, "and I'll never let you go, never."

Taehyung rubbed gentle circles on the others back, "I love you too Kookie,"

When they got back to Jungkooks place they were all quiet, Jungkook instantly went to look around the apartment to make sure nobody snuck in. He tried to do it in a way where Taehyung would question him.

"Okay," Jin stated happily, wrapping an arm around Namjoon, "We should get going now, yeah?"

Namjoon hesitated, "I..." Jungkook simply looked at him, gave him that look he'd use and Namjoon sighed, "yeah, let's go home. See you two later? You know to call us if you need anything right?"

"Yes of course hyung, see you later." Jungkook nodded, and Taehyung gave them both quick hugs. Then they were gone.

Jungkook glanced to Taehyung who yawned again, "tired?"

"A bit, I'm gonna go shower then will you cuddle with me?"

"Of course, what maniac would turn down your cuddles?" He laughed, smiling at his hyung who moved away to the bathroom down the hall.

Jungkook sighed, he rubbed his face, he was worried. Maybe he should be let Namjoon stay... No, he can do this, he'll protect Taehyung and prove to himself he won't have to fear losing him again. He is strong now, before he was only a child, now, now he is grown and strong, he can do this.

"Kookie?" Taehyungs voice startled him out of his thoughts, he looked up to see the older giving him a look of concern, "are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good." He straightened himself, "is something wrong? You were gonna go for a shower."

The other didn't look convinced but he decided maybe it wasn't something he could help him with. "There isn't any more body wash, and I forgot where you said the extras were."

"Oh, okay I'll show you again," he lead him to the spare closet in the hallway, "right in here."

"Alright," Taehyung nodded to himself, then gently held the youngers hand. He turned to Taehyung at the touch, "are you sure your okay? You've been spacey since that man talked to you, then you were crying... is there anything I can do?"

Jungkook smiled, "I'm fine, I promise"

Taehyung watched him, "okay," he went to the bathroom holding the new soap.

The binging sound of his phone made Jungkook rush back into the living room, "shit!" He whisper yelled when he saw the text.

Two sketchy people are at the building.

One of them is heading for the fire escape I'll deal with them, the other went into the building-M


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