<War Against the Rain>

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Taehyung and Ciara exchanged phone numbers (Taehyung gave Jungkooks number since he still doesn't have a phone), she said that she wanted to get to know him better and be closer to him. Taehyung agreed because he felt close like they were siblings, since Hana was like a mother figure to him.

"Sorry to do that hyung..." Jungkook apologized to Hoseok as soon as Ciara left. Taehyung waited for the two near the door.

Hoseok chuckled, "it's all good, when duty calls right, I understand." He gave the younger a quick pat on the shoulder, "anyway, how did it go?" His eyes shifted over to Taehyung who was holding Jungkooks phone in his hand shifting through random apps.

"It went well..." Jungkook responded, the usual warm smile he got when looking at Taehyung on his face. "He has another person he can talk to."

"The lady?"

Jungkook nodded, his attention moved away from Taehyung and towards his hyung, "she was the daughter of a woman named 'Hana'. Her mother helped Taehyung through most of his years... there." His smile left for a quick millisecond, "they got close, like illiagitamate siblings."

"That's sweet." Hoseok grined, they both headed towards Taehyung and all left, back to Jungkooks house.


Yoongi smiled after hanging up the call, Hoseok always knew how to make him smile. He just wasn't a fan of doing it, showed weakness and growing up in a household built on stregnth, he wasn't allowed to show weakness.

At the moment he was in a meeting, a very boring one, so Hoseoks call was a great change. Of course he had left the room, if the people in there knew of his boyfriend it would be a big mess that he wasn't in the mood to fix. The fact that the meeting was important didn't even come to mind for him, as soon as he saw 'Hobi❤' on his phone he left.

"Sorry about that," he announced his presence with an apology, the smile that was on his face gone now. "It was an important call."

"About what?" One of the men seated at the table asked.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "none of your concern," he stated taking a seat in his original at the head of the table. "Now where were we?"

"Infiltrating the Rain family," a woman sitting adjacent to him said.

"The family Kieth was working for, am I correct?" Yoongi questioned looking at her, she glanced down at her papers then nodded towards him.

The woman spoke up again when she realized no one else was going to, "whilst you were out we had a moment of discussion on best case scenarios and the most efective ways to go through with the attack."

Yoongi nodded, "how many ways did you come up with?"

"Only 3 sir, their security is the one of the best we've seen." A male said.

"Alright," yoongi leaned both his elbows on the table and rested his chin on top of his locked fingers. "Let me hear the ideas."

Everyone in the room watched their leader. They didn't really know why he wanted to start this war of families, but they were kind of scared to ask since every time that the Rain family or Keith were mentioned his face darkened in hatred.

"Well, the first option we have is informing your father and sister of the attack. With their members and ours on bored we stand a much higher chance of beating them." The woman started off.

Yoongi sighed, "I see how it would help, but talking to father is at the bottom of my list right now." He looked over to her, "has anyone found out the exact number of people in they have working for them?"

"Not quiet sir."

"Do that, once we figure that out we'll know if we have to get father involved as well. Next"

A male spoke up this time, standing from his chair so everyone could see him. "The next idea may take longer then just a full scale attack out of no where. But it is garenties us more safety."


"The Rain family is powerfully and they have many allies.  If we just simply attack them full on their allies may get in to the fight and with a larger battle we'll end up getting the authorities involved. So I suggest turning their allies against them, expanding our allies. Then attack when they are more vulnerable."

"And how long will this plan take?" Yoongi questioned.

"Depending on how loyal they are to the Rains over... two months, at least."

Yoongi moved so he was leaning back on his chair, "see I understand the plan and it would work," he looked directly at the male who spoke, "but, if the Rains allies were so easy to persuade to go against them, don't you think it's be just as easy for them to turn on us."

The male looked down at the table, "sorry sir."

They continued to discus the plans, finalizing details. Once everything was set people were packing up and making calls. Yoongi sat back in his chair and stretched out his arms, "anything else happening with the family?" He asked his assistant, a young man that plans his schedule for the Min family events and tasks.

"No sir, you're cleared to go home now." He stated with a quick bow, "would you like me to get the car?"

"Yes, thank you."

After his assistant left he room Yoongi texted Hoseok that he was gonna be home soon.

"S-sir," someone knocked on the door, once Yoongi allowed him to enter he walked in slowly, "I-i know you don't like when we ask questions... but why start this war of families? Wh-what has the Rain family done?"

A dark glare was sent his way, Yoongi sneered, "something unforgivable to a person in my family."


There won't be much on Yoongis job, or the war of families but I will mention it sometimes just so you know where that is going.

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