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Seven years later

Taehyung had grown into a very pretty male, every customer of Keith wanted to get a taste of the 22-year-old male. His hair has grown longer, so it was resting just above his eyes and covered his ears, Keith told him they weren't going to cut because it made him look even more fuckable. His body grew into a fairly feminine shape, he had broad shoulders but a pretty slim waist and an ass for days. Many of the clients said that his thighs were their favorite part of him, he hated his thighs. They were covered with bites and hickeys and bruises, they were gross.

Taehyung had been stuck in hotel rooms with so many people, he lost count. The male was disgusted and disappointed in himself, he did try escaping many many times but each futile. And ended in him starved and hit a couple of times, really hard.

Hana had died... They ended up beating her a little too much one day. It was one of the saddest days of Taehyung being stuck here. It didn't help that even though this had happened they still forced clients at him. Taehyung no longer felt the pain, he had grown numb to everything Caleb and Keith threw at him, sometimes he would just laugh at them as they hit him harshly. Sometimes he'd laugh when he hurt himself.

Nothing affected the male anymore he was only a shell of what he once was. A broken violated shell.

"Alright let's go." Keith walked into the new room Taehyung had gotten, at the time Taehyung was simply staring at the blank wall, with an equally blank stare.

Taehyung sigh glancing over to Keith, "I don't feel like it." He stated not moving from his position. "I'm not going to do this shit anymore." Taehyung simply put out, he knew that nothing would come from it but it would at least delay the time till he would have to go.

Keith scoffed rolling his eyes, "don't start with this shit Taehyung, you know where it'll get you." Keith crossed his arms over his chest, "you have no choice here, so get your ass up and let's go." The brunet shook his head defiantly, staying in his spot still. "For fucksake man!" Keith yelled, "the process of getting you there shouldn't be this damn hard you've been doing it for the past seven years!"

The brunet flinched slightly, he wasn't actually aware of how much time had passed since he was stuck here, the most sense of time he had was when they would pass a tv on the way to their destinations. He had been away from his friends going through hell for seven years. A tear pricked at his left eye, he held it back as much as he could keeping the feelings in away from Keith's judging eyes.

Slowly the younger male stood up walking over to the man with his head hanging low. "That's better," Keith smirked at Taehyungs obedience.


The car ride was the same as always, silent except for the small chats Caleb and Keith would have on the side, while Taehyung sat there staring longingly out the window at the people or scenery.

"Taehyung here is your mask put it on," Caleb ordered, tossing the white blank item into Taehyungs lap. "And also once you get there go into the bathroom and put this on and these in." He placed a pretty black and turquoise lacy lingerie with straps connecting to thigh high stockings. And a box of bright blue contacts. Taehyung shivered just looking at them.

"Wh-what's this one like..?" He whispered timidly, scared of the answer.

The two chuckled, "a middle-aged man with a master kink... He also enjoys leashes, shackles and toys, lots of toys. In my opinion... He's an ugly ass. But he is a successful businessman whose wife passed away two months ago, it was an arranged marriage neither of them liked each other so they fucked around with many other people. He is paying extra for two hours. Don't disappoint." Keith said reading off a paper in his client book. Where he kept information on every client they've ever had.

Taehyung shivered again, "t-two...?" He whispered inaudible to himself, scared, this was going to be a pain in the ass, literally.


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