<Somewhere Safe>

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Taehyung cried again... It seems that's gonna be the only thing that he'll do while He is still stuck here. He wanted to leave, needed to leave. Taehyung wants someone to care enough to help him out of here, save him.

He wanted someone to take him somewhere safe.

At some time throughout his sleep two men walked into the room. He wasn't sure how long they watched him, but they woke him up fairly harshly. To be real their whole visit was harsh and inhumane. The men that were here somehow were rougher then Keith and Caleb. It hurt so much, they beat him to for not calling them what they wanted. It was disgusting, gross and not right. They hurt him more because instead of one at a time they both entered him together. He never screamed so much in his life. Screamed so much his throat hurts. They left after about an hour, but not till Keith came and told them that their time was up.

Now here Taehyung is laying flat in his stomach staring at the wall with fat tears streaming down his cheeks. "Jin hyung... Save me like you always do... Please." He sobbed, with a raspy voice, "I don't like this at all. I can't move... it hurts so much"

Taehyung laid there for maybe two hours when he finally felt that he could move without collapsing in pain. Once he was sitting he sat there silently wondering how his hyungs and Jungkook were doing. He wondered if they noticed he was gone, for a small moment he wondered if they cared. Their kind words and gestures he remembered kick that thought away as fast as it came. He knew they loved him, as he loved them.

Soft happy memories filled his head of the times they all spent together. The times when he was kicked out of the house and went to Jin because his parents were never home to question. Jin loved the company, and he made sure to tell Taehyung every time he stayed. He remembered those times hobi would talk and talk and talk about all those amazing trips his family took, and his dance classes. Taehyung loved hearing his stories. A sad smile was displayed when he was reminded of the times Namjoonie would climb into his livingroom window at night just to make sure he was doing alright, he would help tae with any homework or mental issues he had.

Jiminie and him would go on amazing walks together, buy ice cream, laugh and talk about all the good things in school. Joke about anything, tease each other about any crushes one of them might have. They never really went to each other houses though because, Jimins mom would be drowning away from the loss of his dad. So they only really talked till five when Jimin had to go home to make supper for his family.

Yoongi would chill with Taehyung at the mall. The older bought Tae everything and anything he had a small interest in. His parents owned a large business he was never allowed to talk about. He always said, "it's better if you don't know". Taehyung always thought maybe it was embarrassing, so the older didn't want them to tease him or anything. So he never asked twice, learned that from his parents.

He also remembered all the time he would share with Jungkook, the maknae of their small little gang. He remembered all the times they'd play together at the small park a block away from Taehyungs house. He remember Jungkook comforting him when he would cry behind the large tree in the corner of the pretty park. He remembered if he'd fall into a sleep Jungkook would let him lay on his lap or his head on his shoulder. He remembered the one time he fell asleep before the younger got there he had woken up to an adorable bunny smile and a sketch of himself. Jungkook told him, "when I grow up I'm going to be an artist! So I can draw you all the time. You're so pretty!"

The fifteen year old cried more, sad tears, tears that he may never get to see these important people. Tears that he may never see his family again.

The young boy curled in on himself wrapping his arms around his knees. He cried more, again. After a short amount of time, the door to the room opened and closed. Taehyung flinched at the sound, tightened his grip at footsteps and sobbed out at a soft hand on his back. "P-pl-"

"Shh, it's alright..." A familiar woman's voice hushed him, "it's just me, I won't hurt you ever." She whispered calmly. A small silence fills the room, until Taehyung speaks up again.

"Hana... I wa-nt to leave. I can't d-do this." The boy flew himself into her arms, crying into her chest, "my f-friends I want to be with them!"

As a reaction Hana gently wraps her arms around Taehyung, "I know, I know." She placed a kiss on the others forehead, "Tae do you want to tell me a little about your friends?" He nodded.

"I have really great friends, there is Jin hyung he is the oldest we all called him eomma because he is like the mother figure in our group...Then there is Yoongi hyung, he is only a little bit younger than Jin hyung," a sad giggle left the boy thinking back more on his friends, "Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung are funny together because they are very different, well at least Yoongi hyung likes to think that they are...
After him is Hoseok hyung, he is a living sunshine, no matter how I'm feeling or what happened Hoseok can cheer me up, he calls himself my hope and my angel...
Namjoon hyung is younger than those three but he seems more grown up most the time, he knows English and is super smart! Top of his class! He is sorta like our leader really... When he smiles he has these really cute dimples, like Hoseok hyung he always makes me smile...
Jiminie hyung is only a couple months older than me but he is shorter, but so is Yoongi hyung. I like to call Jiminie ChimChim sometimes, him and Jin hyung are really super caring of me. I-I don't know what I'll do without them...... T-then t-there is Jungkook-ah h-he..." His voice cracks, he is stopped by more tears.

"S-sounds like you've got amazing friends..." The young boy sniffle, pulling away to wipe away most of his tears.

Taehyung looked into Hana's eyes, "I do, what about you? Who were you taken from?" She looks even more hurt than regular.

"Well.." Hana avoided looking down at the boy, "I wasn't really taken from anyone, but being stuck here... Someone was taken from me." She took a shaky breath then continued, "at some point throughout my 'jobs' I had gotten pregnant. I had a beautiful baby girl, she had the prettiest eyes, the were a bright sky blue. Her hair was as dark as mine. I knew somehow I had to get her out of here. I didn't want her to go through a life like this. So I tried escaping with her, but they caught me... They took her away, and I know for a fact she didn't survive."

Now there were tears running down both of their faces, hers over her lost daughter, taehyung over both his friends and her daughter. The story was to sad not to cry over. "T-Tae you should get some rest. Let's sleep."

Hana lays down beside Taehyung, her arms still wrapped around him in a motherly hold. She held him close to her. "Night Hana" he whispered out.

"Try to get a decent sleep Tae" were the words she said to him before both faded into unfulfilling slumbers.


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