<A Date?>

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Jungkook didn't have to stay as long as everyone thought he would, the punches broke his nose and left him with a black eye but other than that he was okay.

All of them went out to eat together once his was discharged. Then he was back in his home with Taehyung, alone together this time. Everyone was busy, so no one could stay with them.

They decided to watch movies together, most of the Marvel movies, they made themselves a small little fort. The two were cuddledup together in each others arms snacking on popcorn.

"This is kind of like our first date," Taehyung said out of the blue, with a chuckle he turned to fully face the younger, "isn't it?" He had that smile on his face, the one that made Jungkook feel weak everywhere, the one that was just so contagious that he unconisously started smiling to.

Jungkook nodded, "I guess you're right," they sat up fully, "got our little movie fort date, next how about an amusement park one?"

"Yeah! I've always wanted to go to an amusement park!" Taehyung cheered happily, "but only once you're totally better, okay?" Jungkook nodded again, Taehyung looked at him with the brightest eyes he's had since they got him back, he smiled more today. A thought that maybe, maybe he finally felt totally safe now, crossed Jungkooks mind. He liked that thought, that maybe Taehyung was getting better.

"Of course, I can't let kids see me like this," he laughed, somehow without him knowing his hands ended up on Taehyungs waist. He went to move them a deep blush on his cheeks, but a gentle grasp on his wrist stoped him from moving.

He looked in to Taehyungs gorgeous eyes, "it's okay, I like it when you hold me," Taehyung murmured, the tiniest hint of a smirk on his lips. Jungkook felt his face get even hotter at those words. He knew it was getting even worse when he noticed Taehyung start to lean closer.

For a moment he was really shocked, yeah he wanted to kiss the older again. He didn't expect Taehyung to initiate the kiss though.

Once their lips touched again, every thought left Jungkooks head. This was deffinetly something he could get used to. The soft feeling of his boyfriends lips, the gentle touch of Taehyungs larger hands on his cheeks. The body under his hands. He absolutely loved this.

At the light feeling of a tongue sliding over his bottom lip, he parted his mouth open. A dance between the two muscles began, their bodies inched closer to the point Taehyung was straddling the younger. His hands placed around his neck.

Taehyung pulled back first, a smile on his lips, "I love you Kookie,"

"I-i love you too," Jungkooks eyes were glazed over, his chest rising and falling faster. Hands holding Taehyungs hips tightly, and a soft smile.

They didn't go any further, resuming watching the Marvel movies. Closer to each other then when they started.


The next day, Jimin sat at his desk rubbing at his temples, usually the children boosted his spirits when he taught. They were like his little remedy for when everything was just so difficult. Today though everything was worse, the full force of the past weeks were hitting him hard.

The day ended off with the children depending mainly on the aid that worked with him, she was helping get the kids ready to go home right now. A light tap on his arm made him look away from the wooden desk.

Yejoon, one of Jimin's easiest student, he was a very smart young boy with a heart of gold. "Mr. Park are you sick?"

Jimin smiled and turned in his chair to face the boy, "no, I'm not sick yejoonie I'm just not 100% today"

"So you're sick."

Jimin chuckled, "okay, I guess I'm sick."

Yejoon hand his hands behind him, his nodded his head, "well if you're sick you should have a gift to get better." He stated holding a picture out in front of him. "I drew you a picture."

" What?" Jimin gasped happily, taking the paper from the child, "woah thank you, this really made my day better. I'm closer to a 99% now." He looked down at the picture, it was of two stickpeople watching a smaller stickperson playing on a very colorful playground, boxes with a swirvy line. "Wow this is amazing Yejoonie! You're such an artist!"

The child smiled widely with pink cheeks, "it's of you and my daddy watching me play!" He explained, "since most of the time you get to watch me play after school,"

" Oh," Jimin looked down at the picture once more, "which one is me?" He asked softly, "is it... this one?" He pointed to the shorter stick person who wasn't on the playground. Yejoon giggled and nodded. "Well thank you so much for this Yejoonie I'm gonna hang it up right now."

Jimin turned in his chair again and stood to his buleten board next to it, he grabbed two tacks. As he started to place the picture up he heard footsteps come from the door and then Yejoon cheer out, "daddy!"

"Hi Yejoon," he greeted his son crouching with his arms spread out waiting for a hug.

Once Jimin finished hanging the picture he turned to the two hugging in the doorway of his class room. Yejoon's father looked up and smiled at the young teacher, "good afternoon Mr. Park."

"Afternoon, Mr. Lee"

"Please, just Taemin" he said, standing Yejoon still in his arms.

" Daddy!" Yejoon started wiggling in his father's arms, the man looked to his son, "We need to get Mr. Park some of that magic soup! He's sick, and I drew him a picture but now he needs the soup."

Taemin looked back to Jimin, "you're sick?"

Jimin blushed, "no, I'm just a little stressed. But I guess I have a bit of a headache, but I'm fine really."

Yejoon pouted a bit then whispered something to his father, "you're right Yejoonie," he turned to Jimin, "let us treat you to dinner, me and Yejoonie will make supper together."

"We'll make you the magic soup!" Yejoon cheered, "you'll come right Mr. Park?"

Jimin opened his mouth to decline, but Taemin beat him, "we insist,"

"...okay, I guess I can come,"

"Good," Taemin smiled, "can I get your number, I'll need it to know where to pick you up from," he gave a quick wink, that had Jimin's face heating up.

"R-right, okay" He was totally gonna gush about this to Taehyung latter.

Kind of late but have some Jiminie and his future lover and child😉

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