<Deep as the Ocean>

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"Here Tae," Jimin handed the cup over shakily, Taehyung's scream still stuck in his head.

The younger male pulled away from Jungkook and smiled weakly at his hyung, "thank you Jiminie." Slowly he reached out and took it, his hands unsteady and slow. He didn't want to accidentally spill the water, his throat really needed it at the moment. Once he took a sip it was a refreshing rush of cold calming his sore throat.

Jimin was hesitant, he looked between the two younger males in front of him. Jungkook watching Taehyung with eyes coated over with worry, and Taehyung downing the water like his life depended on it. The shorter male wanted to say something, but he wasn't sure what would fit the moment, or what he could say without possibly triggering something in Taehyung. He opted out of saying anything and just sat carefully next to his friends.

"What time is it?" The brunet asked placing the now empty cup on the coffee table.

Jimin quickly glanced down at his wrist watch, "four thirty in the morning. Are you okay?"

"M'fine... just shakin' up..." he looked up at both males, "sorry for waking you so early..."

"No, no!" Jimin quickly placed his hands on the young brunets shoulders, "its totally fine, you don't need to apologize for anything Tae..." he stared gently into the other's eyes, a short pause of silence between them before Jimin asked hesitantly, "can I hug you?"

Taehyung giggled softly, "of course Jiminie" then wrapped his arms tightly around Jimin's neck and burying his face in the area gently. "I'd never deny a Jiminie hug, they're one of my favorites."


The three of them were sitting in Jungkook's car driving down to Jin's bakery. Jungkook driving and Jimin sitting shotgun whilst Taehyung asked them both all sorts of questions in the back.

"How did you become a cop at so young kook?" He was leaning on the armrest in between both the front seats. Seatbelt wrapped around him being pulled so he was able to be closer to them. He had his face resting in his palm and elbow resting against the leather.

Jimin grinned and clapped slightly, "he was just too good for the academy, he beat too many records so they were all like," Jimin cleared his throat before speaking in a lower pitch, "'we're sorry to inform you that you are being bumped from the academy.' And kook being the panicked gay that he is started asking why and what he did wrong.-"

"That's not what happened hyung, don't try and make it seem like that." Jungkook laughed, his eyes never leaving the road (because we really don't need a car accident right?)

Taehyung shifted his focus, "then what really happened kookie?"

A small blush flushed over Jungkook's cheek at the nickname, he doesn't think he'll get used to hearing that again after so long. "W-well, technically I haven't graduated from the academy yet. Joon hyung suggested to the old chief that I'd learn faster with on hand experience, I don't really know what he told the chief, but now I'm kind of a test subject to a new learning mechanism of some sort."

"Joonie convinced them to let this happen by saying he'd be the one to watch over Kook. This next year kook is going to be going back to the academy, he'll still be staying in his apartment and working with Joonie. He just has some homework to deal with now." Jimin giggled watching Taehyung's wide eyes glance between him and the young cop.

"That's cool." The boxy smile that both Jungkook and Jimin missed so much showed up.

Jungkook glanced over to Taehyung a smile tugged at his lips, "I guess, but the extra essays and stuff will really be a pain." He laughed

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