Part Thirty- eight

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That night she missed dinner and told Eric that she would just rest instead. "My headache badly due to too much sun but I'll be fine by tomorrow." She told him when he visited her in her room.

Nicole tried to close her eyes, but she couldn't sleep. The manor was already silent, so she expected everyone to be sleeping at that hour. Nicole rose and took her robe and went out of her room. She tiptoed to avoid creating any sound. She slowly opened the front door and went out. The cold night air welcomed her, and she immediately tightened her robe. She walked heading to the shore. The slow rampage of waves was audible. The moonlight shone brightly so that she could see her steps. When she reached the shoreline, she removed her flip-flops and gasped at how blissful it was, feeling the soft sand on her feet. She walked towards the water and held the hem of her robe so it would not get wet. She kept spinning around like a little girl. She felt free.

A clearing of the throat made Nicole stop and panic automatically consumed her. She thought that this was supposed to be a private shore. How stupid she was to come here alone in the middle of the night. When a figure emerged, Nicole was relieved.

"Ethan, what are you doing here? Do you want me to have a heart attack? You startled me for two nights now, it's becoming a habit" she uttered.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean that. I was here a bit longer than you are. I was drinking a bit to clear my head. I am used to going in here all night if I wanted to be alone." he narrated.

"I'll take my leave then. I don't want to bother your solitude." Nicole was about to turn around when Ethan held her hand.

"Please stay even for a bit." He begged. He pulled her out of the water, and they sat in the rough sand where he sat earlier.

She obliged.

"Did you guys' fight?" Nicole asked.

"Yeah... Some misunderstanding and all." He smiled sarcastically. He offered her a brandy and again she said No.

"I see, just talk it over, you two can patch it up in no time," she said.

Ohhhhh so you are giving love advice to your ex now? Her alter ego uttered making her scowl.

"Maybe" Ethan answered.

Nicole felt awkward in this situation. She cleared her throat. "Congratulations on your engagement by the way. I hope that you'll be happy" she told him.

"Thank you, hey listen" he looked at her genuinely. My behavior in the hospital was inappropriate, especially towards you. I'd like to apologize for my actions." he uttered. "I didn't know any better" he added.

Nicole stared at him back. "You still don't remember me, do you? She asked.

"I'm not sure. When you said that you ride horses. I saw an image of a woman riding a horse with me, her hair flips in mid-air but I am not sure if it was a memory or a dream. I remember calling a woman gorgeous all the time. I remember smiling if that woman smiles, it feels warm like home. That's why we fought. Lorraine accused me of thinking about another woman besides her. The problem is I see an image, but she was faceless." Ethan narrated feeling confused.

He suddenly touched his head trying to take out those missing memories.

When Ethan turned to her Nicole's tears were falling. Everything he mentioned pertains to her. The faceless woman in his memory was her. It was like a big mist that clouded the actual image of her in Ethan's mind.

She stood up.

"Hey where are you going" he asked.

"Think Ethan. How did we first meet?" She asked him.

"I am not sure. I don't remember" he answered.

Nicole ran towards the ocean, her feet submerged in the water. She was facing Ethan while she continued to move backward.

"What's wrong with you? Come back here!" Ethan shouted.

Nicole raised her hand to stop him from going after her.

"Think Ethan, how did it all start..." She said again. The water was already at her waist level.

Ethan's eyes went wide, as panic started to take over. "Ethan!" Nicole screamed one last time before the water consumed her fully.

Ethan felt sick as his eyes saw Nicole's lifeform submerged under water and a sudden bolt of memories jolted his mind.

He touched his temple.

He remembered seeing a woman in the crystal blue sea. All he heard was her attempt to grasp for air, but she was slowly losing it.

He remembered how she fought hard to survive. He readily removed his sleeves and ran towards the drowning woman as fast as he could. Once he grabbed her and put her to safety, he noticed that it was the same woman who had attempted to save the drowning child on the cruise ship.

Her bravery has made an impression on him, but her determination made her unforgettable. When her eyes slowly opened, he thought that she could be the one woman he wanted for the rest of his life even though it would mean defying his late father's wishes.

Screams were heard nearby. Ethan could hear footsteps approaching the shore, but his attention was not on it.

He remembered the kiss, soft and lovely, he remembered her smell, like fresh spring and filling his nostrils making it addictive. He remembered her voice. "I Love you, Ethan..."

And just like that, the faceless woman came into view in immense light. Nicole's face was revealed.

"Oh my God! Nicole! Nicole!" He screamed.

Ethan ran towards the sea and swam like there was no tomorrow. He put much speed into reaching out to her faster. Afraid that he was too late.

"No, No!" He screamed again.

He put everything into each stroke as if his life depended on it, "Nicole! Nicole!" He shouted as he searched for her.

"Ethan! Nicole!" Came the shouts of Eric and Lorraine. Both are also worried about what's happening.

When Eric checked Nicole's room earlier, he was shocked to see it was empty, he was about to look for her when Lorraine went out of the bedroom and asked where Ethan was.

Eric knew that the last place Ethan would find comfort would be the beachfront, so he took his chances and confirmed that he was there he just didn't expect to witness the woman he cared deeply to be drowning.

He rushed to the shoreline and was about to rescue Nicole when Ethan jumped mindlessly.

Thankfully, Ethan managed to grab Nicole and carefully aided her back to the shore.

Eric frantically ran towards them and helped Ethan up.

Things happened so fast, Ethan was pumping her chest up and down introducing air into her lungs.

"Come on Nicole, please come back to me. Nicole!" He breathed into her again.

Eric realized that his brother had regained his memories. As he kept calling her name, he was silently praying for Nicole to regain her consciousness.

Ethan was expertly exhibiting the CPR and offered a silent prayer for a miracle to happen, his muscles dense, he was holding on to the last hope of saving her. Then his prayers were answered. Nicole coughed out the ample salt water she ingested.

Ethan and Eric breathed a sigh of relief as they helped her to sit up.

Lorraine knew that this was the end. She knew that he remembered her now. She looked at them with pure sadness.

"Say it again please," Nicole asked, directing her attention to Ethan.

"Say what again?" Ethan asked panting.

"My name..." She whispered. "Say it again..."

"Nicole... my gorgeous Nicole Kent..." He declared.

She smiled.  

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