Part Sixteen

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The strong wind was blowing her hair everywhere. She tried to hold it and put it in place, but a few strands escaped and brushed her face. She was with her father in the park, and they were having a picnic.

After he was given the clearance to go home her father wanted to spend time with her. He said that he realized that life was short, and he wanted to spend more time with his daughter.

"I remember when you were a kid. Your mother and I used to bring you here. You love to run; I was always afraid that you'd get hurt, but your mother used to tell me to let you run freely. Your laughter was so warm that we couldn't help but smile just looking at you. Your mother will call you out especially if you fall and scrape your legs but instead of weeping around because you have a scratch you laughed even more" her father narrated. He shook his head and smiled remembering her childhood.

"You were an odd little girl" he finished and smiled further.

She did not remember the details, but she indeed used to love the park. This was her haven when she was younger. It just stopped being her sanctuary when her mother died, and her father crumbled himself to his loneliness.

"That was too long ago Dad. I don't even remember" she answered.

Her father smiled "I have been consumed with my heartbreak after your mother died and instead of giving you more love in the absence of your mother. I have molded you to become fierce in the business world instead. I know that I have been selfish Nicole, and I don't want to be like that anymore. You're the only thing I have left after your mother was gone and I don't want to lose you as well." Her father touched her hand and was intently looking at her.

"Dad, it's not that bad though. I love what I am doing. This is what I wanted to do as well." She reasoned out when she saw regret plastered on her father's face. She smiled.

Her father exhaled. "I have decided to cancel the engagement, Nicky. I don't want to interfere with your future. You go and find it yourself. I trust that you can handle it. I want you to be happy." He spoke.

Nicole's eyes grew wider as she didn't expect that conversation to come up. This was what she wanted all along. She can finally have, the freedom to select the man whom she loves however for some reason it's not that appealing to her anymore. The man she wanted the most already had someone else and she can't do anything about it.

She forced a smile. "I was thinking Daddy, maybe I reacted far too emotionally during the last time we talked about the marriage arrangement. I don't even know the guy yet. So why don't I meet him first and if there's nothing there then we can call it quits?" She suggested.

Her Dad laughed. Her brow raised "What?" She asked. Sounding confused.

"Is this a trap?" He asked.

"What?" she asked again.

"Well, you were so adamant before that I can't rule your life, and now I am handing off, you say that you want to give it a shot first"

She laughed at the irony. "Women?!" She sarcastically retorted.

He messes her hair like he used to do when she was a kid. "Whatever you think is best for you, I will support" he uttered with all seriousness.

"Thanks, Dad, don't worry I'll grow from all these experiences, and I'll make you proud" she smirked as they continued laughing.

"You are an odd little girl indeed" her father commented.

It had been a good day and somehow, she was happy.


"Kate, how was the JQ Enterprises contract going? Is there any progress on that?" she asked while she was sipping her morning coffee. After she discovered the anomalies in the annual report and the amount of money that they had lost, it slowly took its toll. The company was breaking apart and she knew that she needed to do something about it. She needed to gain back what was taken from them to keep the company up and running so they needed to get the JQ Enterprises contract exclusively. If she can get that deal, she can secure the business, that's for sure. All she needs is there solid yes.

Kate moved closer to her table and handed her a folder. "According to the report. The JQ is having second thoughts about partnering with us because of another company, the World Hotel, for they are convincing them as well to partner up. Based on what I gathered they plan to build a luxurious hotel in South Korea and collaborate with JQ since they are more in telecommunications and stuff. It looks bad Nicole because I think they are considering the World Hotel's deal more than ours" she uttered.

"They are considering it more because they don't know what they can get out if they choose us and that's what I will do, that is what we will bring to them, they need to see the contents of our projects and our perspective before they brush us off." She answered with determination. "Schedule a meeting with JQ I will personally see them. I will get that contract signed by Kate; I must. There's no other choice but to get that deal or we can't keep this company together. We have lost so much. We cannot afford another failure" She stood up and walked towards the couch.

Kate nodded and exited her office. Nicole has no idea how she can get the deal signed. She knew that JQ was a successful company and very powerful if she may add. Having them as a business partner would help her with the crisis they faced financially. She has promising projects that she hoped they would consider. She must do it. She won't let World Hotel take that chance away from her. She needed this badly more than anything else.

Her phone rang suddenly. She then picked it up. "Yes?" She answered. 

"Tonight, JQ will facilitate a Gala party at the World Hotel grand ballroom. I managed to get you an invitation. It's going to be around 7 pm. You had better hurry and prepare. You have a deal to close" Kate said with enthusiasm. She smiled.

"Thank you, Kate. I will do my best." She answered.

"Ah... you might want to bring a date to make it look casual." Kate teased.

"I don't have anyone to bring silly, besides this is purely business. I don't want distractions." She checked her Rolex, and it was still past 1 pm. She had plenty of time to prepare for the meet-up. She ended the phone call and stood up hurriedly.

She moved back to her laptop and started working. After a few hours, her door suddenly swung open. It caught her by surprise.

Kate was holding a big white box and she looked at her in confusion. Kate just smiled.

"I have your dress," she said sounding excited.

"What dress?" she asked sounding even more confused.

Kate placed the box on the table "for the gala. You can't go there without a dress." She mentioned.

Nicole's brow raised "I have plenty of dresses Kate I don't need a new one." She dismissed her.

"True, but if you want to talk to Mr. Shin you need to look like a goddess. He won't hesitate to ignore you if you go there in your normal office looks. This is a gala, and you need to show off as well."

She sighed, she was tired of arguing with her, besides she had a point, so she just nodded, and Kate's face lit up. She then opened the box. She smirked. It's going to be a very interesting night.

She knew it.  

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