Part Twenty- five

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"Good morning, Kate! Can I have the files I need to sign please?" she said as she entered her office with enthusiasm. She wore a tight skirt emphasizing her curves and a nude tank which she finished with a white blazer. She let her hair down as she walked around the room looking stunning, gorgeous.

Kate gave her a suspicious gaze. "Did you get laid or something?" she asked blatantly.

Nicole suddenly coughed "What are you talking about?" She denied.

Was she obvious? she thought.

Kate laughed and decided not to tease her anymore "So how was your mini vacation? Tell me, am I correct to assume that the owner of the World Hotel is old and hideous looking?" she asked curiously.

Nicole watched her. If only she knew. That guy was the epitome of beauty and masculinity. His very existence is a sin. She smiled at her and didn't comment on her question. She proceeded to enter her office.

Kate was left there stunned by her gesture and tried to push for information, but Nicole remained passive.

"Something happened, I knew it!" Kate concluded but Nicole just shrugged her shoulders as a playful laugh registered on her lips.

The day went normally, Nicole was reading some files when she noticed a phone notification. She checked it out and it was a text from Ethan. So, they have upgraded to texting now? She smiled. She readily read it silently.

"Hi gorgeous, I'm bored as hell. I'm stuck in a meeting; I wish you were here with me. Eat your lunch, ok? don't starve yourself. I'll see you soon..."

She smiled again and was about to reply when she was interrupted by a knock.

"Someone wants to see you," Kate said. Peeking at her office door.

She raised a brow. She did not schedule any appointments for that day. She signaled Kate to let her mysterious visitor come in.

When it came into view she was stunned.

"Eric! What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Surprise!" He smiled, giving in to his boyish looks.

"I did not expect this at all" she commented. She stood up and led him to the couch. He obliged.

"How did you know where I work?" Nicole asked.

"Are you kidding me? I hired a private investigator to know everything about you." He laughed but realized it was a bad joke when he saw that Nicole's expression had changed. "The gala, I know someone from the party, and I was able to gather numerous intel about you and your company" he added.

"I see, still very stalker-ish" she laughed. "What can I do for you? She asked.

"I'd like to invite you for lunch. If you are not that busy?" He spoke. Clasping his hand while he looked at her.

Nicole checked her watch and realized it was almost noon but did not notice that. Time flies fast.

"Hmmm okay. It's lunchtime anyway. She picked up her purse and headed to the door. Eric took the liberty to open it for her.

"Kate, can you please hold any incoming calls for now? I will be at lunch. I'll be back soon." She instructed Kate.

She nodded in agreement and watched Eric with curious eyes.

He brought her to a Japanese restaurant near their office building. After they placed their order, she asked him again. "What's this surprise visit for?"

"I just miss you," he said without breaking eye contact. Nicole suddenly felt uneasy with his directness and Eric laughed. "I am joking... I just really want to see you and know if your business deal was successful. You know as a concerned friend." he clarified and sipped his orange juice.

A Beautiful Lie (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz