Part Thirty- four

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The smell of fresh flowers filled Nicole's nostrils. She remembered her younger self surrounded by sunflowers in spring. It was one of those times when they spent at her grandmother's ranch, she was running like there was no tomorrow. The flowers have bloomed, and they look amazing. The dew moisture dropped each time she touched the blooming petals.

She smiled.

She remembered her laughter echoed in the thin air. A familiar voice spoke, it was a faceless woman with dark auburn hair. The young Nicole walked towards the lady, her right arm extended to grab her, her movements were swift, and she then moved closer, she remembered her touch was gentle and comforting.

She then spoke lightly "Mommy..." She uttered.

Her eyes snapped open, and she noticed the white sheets covering her. Her bedside table was filled with fresh roses and tulips.

So that's where the scent came from, she thought.

"Nicole..." A worried Eric came into view interrupting her thoughts.

"What happened?" she asked as she slightly touched her forehead. She tried to get up and Eric aided her.

"You fainted..." He answered.

Nicole was about to ask for more details when a doctor came in. He wore a white gown with his glasses almost dropping at the tip of his nose. A young nurse was accompanying him. He smiled.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked. The nurse went in and checked her pulse.

"I'm okay, I guess." She replied.

He smiled again. "We will ask for more laboratory tests to check the welfare of the baby. You can also ask for assistance in scheduling your pre-natal and we will prescribe some vitamins to keep you healthy." The doctor blabbered.

Nicole was wide-mouthed. "What? Wait... What are you talking about?" She asked unable to comprehend what she just heard.

"It must have been a shock for you. You are four weeks pregnant! Congratulations to the two of you!" The doctor then shook Eric's hand. "I will give you time to process this. Check the patient's blood pressure every 4 hours, okay?" The doctor instructed the nurse as they halted out of the room.

"Nicole. I..." Eric stuttered.

"I am pregnant? Oh my God..." She stated that she was unsure of what to feel. "Eric, what will I do? I don't know what to do." She said still in shock.

"Shhh... We will figure this out together. Everything will be fine." Eric soothed her as he embraced her tightly. He too was unsure of how to go through with it, but one thing was clear, he would stand guard with Nicole no matter what.

She closed her eyes as she tried to digest his words.

Should she trust him?


Days had passed and Nicole was still under the weather. She has no idea how she can deal with these two situations at once. There was the amnesia that she needed to handle Ethan. He does not remember her even a bit, the past few times she has been very patient with him.

However, though he was not mistreating or mean to her, he was ignoring her presence was pushing her to the edge.

When she attempted to peel him an apple and served it to him, he just looked at her blankly and shook his head no. She was wondering how she could share the news about her pregnancy when the father of her baby has no memory of how it was created, to begin with.

She slowly touched her temple as an inevitable headache was approaching. She sighed, she needed a plan, she would make Ethan remember her whatever it took.

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