Part Twenty- eight

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Nicole's heartbeat was erratic as she drove heading towards the restaurant to meet her so-called fiancée.

The restaurant he selected was one of the prestigious beaneries in the metropolis. You need to book at least a month before you even get a reservation. The place was famous not only because of its dishes but also its breathtaking view. It was eating among the stars, emerging in a 42-story building where you can bathe in the scenic view of the city lights. It was a real beauty.

She selected a parking spot after she reached the place, she clasped her sweaty hands as she exhaled deeply. She got out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the hall; she then went into the elevator and pressed the button reluctantly. Nicole stared at her reflection. She wore a tubeless white dress that flowed freely above her knees. She added a coat on top of it. She could have worn a fancier dress especially since this was a date, however, she wanted to keep things as businesslike as possible. Nonetheless, she looked sexy and elegant.

The elevator beeped signifying she had reached the rooftop. She went out and marched in as she confirmed the reservation that was under her name. After she was given her table number, she was told that a gentleman was already waiting. Her breathing quickened. She paused momentarily and gathered herself as she walked to their table.

Her pacing slowed as she saw the man seated at the corner. His back was facing her. His shoulders were broad, and his hair was as black as the night, she narrowed her eyes there was something very familiar with this man. She moved closer as she was about to approach him, he suddenly turned around and their eyes met.

She gasped.

"I don't understand..." she murmured.

He stood up and guided her to sit down. He was staring at her intently. He smiled, revealing his perfect white teeth. "I don't want to startle you, but I don't know how to tell you as well" he stated.

"Ethan... Why are you here?" she asked, wanting to make sure her doubts were true.

He exhaled as he moved closer. Nicole distanced herself a bit. "Why do you think I am here Nicole?" he asked back.

"But, but...why, how?" Nicole shook her head trying to understand what was happening. She expected to feel flustered and nervous but not confused and right now she has a bunch of questions in her mind. She does not know where to even begin.

"The last time I was in your apartment I had all the intentions to tell you the truth, but you did not give me the chance" he subtly accused her. Nicole tried to remember what happened that night. She remembered him asking if she could just listen and all, but she never expected it to be like this.

"So even before on cruise ships and in the Caribbean. It was you? It was you who I ran away from? It was you who was engaged to me all along?" She exclaimed.

He nodded. Her features grimaced. So, does he know about it even before? Was he just trying to play her emotions back and forth?

"Nicole do not misunderstand this" he uttered when he noticed the dislike on her face.

"My father and your father were friends for so long. Even before when they were younger, they made a pact to be brothers no matter what. They talked about uniting the family as one and since they can't do it through birth, they decided to do it through marriage instead. My father died even before this dream became a reality, however, this was something he explicitly noted in his will. I knew about this when I was in college but at that time, I was against it because I was with Lorraine, when things did not turn out well for us. I drained all my time by focusing on my studies and learning the work trying to know as much as I could about the business. The day that I met you on the cruise ship was the day that I had a big argument with my grandfather. For the longest time, the marriage arrangement was not brought up that it made me think I was off the hook, but I was wrong, the last thing I remembered was getting my stuff packed and deciding to run away for a while after that heated brawl. You see, my grandfather adored his son so much that he is willing to put into reality my father's last dying wish even if it means sacrificing his grandchild's happiness. How do you move on from that? And so, I fled then I met you" he narrated.

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