Part Twenty- seven

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The loud ringing echoed in her room which made Nicole groan. She tried to locate her phone with her eyes half-closed. She had an emotional night, that's why she slept late, and the annoying sound of her phone pushed her to the edge.

When she found the source of the noise, she readily pressed the answer button. "Hello?" sounding irritated.

"Nicole JQ has made a formal statement about the contract. They wanted us to be there today when they made their announcement" Kate stated over the phone.

Nicole rose and sat in the corner of the bed. This was what she waited for some time now. She was both excited and anxious. Whatever the decision is it will surely impact their company. Kate gave her the location as to where the contract signing would take place. She quickly prepared and showered. In her mind, she played out the possible outcome of the day. She tried to suppress the aching question, what if JQ won't sign with them?

She exhaled deeply. Kate called her again to meet up after she arrived at the location. Moments later, both were now heading towards the building's conference room. It was a vast space with a circular table filling the whole area. What was interesting about the place where the designs were plastered on the ceiling? They were unique paintings that Nicole couldn't quite put her thoughts into. It blazes even more with the elegant chandelier hanging in the center. It was an abstract spread of black and white which also extended to the walls. It has a detailed sketch on it that can make you wonder what it signifies. It was elegant and baffling at the same time.

Finally, Kate and Nicole found their seat reserved under their company.

"Will the CEO of the World Hotel be here as well?" Kate asked, cutting Nicole's thought. She glanced at her, and she momentarily panicked, just right across them the World Hotel tag beamed for their eyes to see. She forgot about Ethan. If JQ called them then it's possible that the counterpart company for this contract was also summoned.

She was not given any time to dwell on her thoughts when the representatives of JQ walked in. They introduced themselves, one was the legal advisor of Mr. Shin, a board member, and a woman who was Leo's secretary.

A couple of gentlemen went in and verbalized that they represented the World Hotel. They apologized for their tardiness and found their way to the reserved seats right across from Nicole and Kate. Nicole scanned the newly arrived competitors expecting to see Ethan, but the dark-eyed man was nowhere in sight. She relaxed.

They started with the formalities. Leo Shin was not able to meet them formally because he was out of the country dealing with some pressing news related to another trade.

The presentation started showcasing objective data from each company that JQ found interesting based on the project both submitted. The mentioned about the proposal and its benefits and individual challenges were also highlighted. As the legal officer continued to narrate all the facts and what led them to their said decision Nicole's hand started to sweat.

"After ample time that Mr. Shin spent considering all your proposals. It was with a heavy heart that he needed to only pick one astounding company to invest in, however, he was assured that he had made the right decision. Congratulations and Welcome to the growing family of JQ Enterprises... World Hotel!" He uttered fully.

The next thing Nicole heard was the clapping and the exchange of congratulations. JQ secretary went in and approached them extending her sympathy.

Things happened fast and the representatives of the World Hotel signed the contract and laughter emerged afterwards. As the final documents were handed in, Nicole's last hope was also thrown away. This was their last chance and now it was gone.

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