Part Three

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Nicole's movements were sure as she walked towards the open-air terrace. The salty sea air brushed against her cheek as she stared at the blue horizon. The vastness of the ocean seemed to mirror the wide array of possibilities that awaited her.

Her eyes feasted on the sheer size of the ship; she never thought cruises could be this luxurious. Moving closer to the railings, she held on tightly, as if it was the last defense before the ocean could engulf her. The lounge had a few people, and some were enjoying their time in the pool. Everyone seemed to be simply taking it all in.

Nicole's gaze returned to the ocean, contemplating the golden light from the sun that bathed the entire firmament. The serenity of the scene brought a smile to Nicole's face. She couldn't believe she was fleeing; the idea was just a distant thought until Kate suggested it. The scenery offers both solace and uncertainty, and in that moment, Nicole found a glimmer of hope.

Her thoughts went back to the day Kate planted the whole idea. The seed of escape, nurtured by desperation, had now sprouted into a full-blown plan.


Kate smiled mischievously, "that, my friend, has been taken care of," she exclaimed, reflecting the glint of adventure in her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Nicole asked, her confusion evident. She was still unclear about what Kate was implying.

"I was supposed to have a vacation later this year because I needed to get away. My last relationship had been very difficult. But something unexpected happened recently—someone is making me smile again. I don't know if you know Charles, but he seems nice and cute." Kate blushed and smiled shyly, revealing the hidden side of her personal life to Nicole.

"Charles who? From the marketing department? Something is going on between the two of you?" Nicole said, astonished, her eyes widening with surprise. The truth of Kate's love interest caught her off guard.

Kate gave her a smirk. "Nah, pretty early to say if things will get serious between us, but he's cool," she added, downplaying the situation with a nonchalant tone.

"And so, I don't need that Caribbean cruise vacation anymore. I think that it would be good for you. You can get away from this drama and clear your mind for a while," Kate suggested, her mischievous smile returning as she presented the alternative solution.

"Are you serious?" Nicole asked, unsure if she should go along with this unexpected plan. The magnitude of the decision weighed heavily on her mind.

"Of course! You can have it. If you go on that cruise, your father will have a hard time tracking where you are. You can take the time you want. It's good for a month—plenty of time to rethink, plus you can enjoy the Caribbean Sea," Kate added, her excitement palpable. The prospect of going away and a chance to escape the drama seemed to resonate with her.

Nicole kept silent as she considered Kate's offer. "I can't believe that you were planning a month away from the office!" she exclaimed. "I will decline any vacations from you moving forward, that's for sure," she added jokingly, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.

Kate laughed at her outburst. "I can't believe that's the only thing you picked up from this whole conversation. But kidding aside, so are you going?" Curious eyes landed on Nicole, awaiting her decision.

"I guess that's the best idea so far, and you are right, that will be good for me. With that, will you help me pack my things then?" Nicole smiled, a hint of relief and anticipation coloring her expression.

"You bet!" Kate exclaimed; her enthusiasm was contagious.

Nicole knew she had to make a stand; it was her life, after all. She couldn't go on pretending to satisfy her father's wishes forever. She understood that doing so would breed resentment, and she didn't want to harbor that feeling for the rest of her life. The cruise presented a timely escape, a chance for her to assert her autonomy and seek the path she truly desired.

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