Part Two

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The recent news about Nicole's engagement had taken a toll on her emotionally. She became cranky and irritable, with no patience for anyone who crossed her path. Every day felt like a constant struggle, bearing the burden alone, and it had resulted in persistent migraines.

She entertained various thoughts on how she could stop her father's plans, but none of them seemed good enough. Anger became her only solace from the day Lucas disclosed the news. If she was honest with herself, there seemed to be no other recourse but to be furious about the entire situation.

The sad truth was she displaced her anger onto other people—individuals who knew nothing about her circumstances. She felt remorseful about it, but in her inner turmoil, it became the only defense she could muster for the time being.

Kate, her secretary, noticed the shift in Nicole's mood and felt tempted to confront her about it. Nicole had lost her usual glow and perkiness. Even during stressful times in the past, she managed to find time to smile and stay positive. Lately, everything seems different.

When Kate could no longer contain her concern, she decided to muster her courage and question Nicole about what was going on.

Kate entered Nicole's office, finding her lady boss immersed in the documents before her. Nicole's brows were furrowed, lips slightly parted, indicating it wasn't an ideal time. Despite the realization, Kate decided it was too late to back out. Nicole was engrossed in her work, writing something, when Kate interrupted. Her eyes shifted from the documents to Kate, and she looked at her intently.

"Yes?" Nicole asked plainly, her tone indicating a blend of curiosity and a hint of impatience.

"What's up with the foul attitude?" She directly asked without inhibitions. She had known Nicole for a while now, having worked with her for years. Kate admired and respected Nicole's skills and professionalism in handling the business. Additionally, Kate's willingness to share unlikely things and being straightforward fostered trust between them and Nicole had learned to value Kate's opinions and insights over the years.

Nicole raised a brow again, staring at Kate. "Excuse me? I don't know what you're talking about," she said, shrugging her shoulders. Her gaze dropped back to what she was doing, scribbling something. Kate moved forward, closing the distance between them.

"Really? You've been barking non-stop these past few days. It's like you want to rip everybody with your claws," Kate pointed out candidly.

Nicole dropped her pen, her gaze fixed on Kate's eyes, which seemed to pierce through her.

Nicole sighed. "I just had a rough week, and my head hurts," she attempted to lie, but Kate was not buying it. Nicole slowly massaged her temples, the strain evident on her face.

Kate moved even closer towards her, gently patting her shoulders. "Come on, what's wrong, really? Maybe I can help," she uttered with all sincerity. Kate sensed that there was something bothering Nicole internally, and her concern was genuine.

Nicole sighed once more. She felt too exhausted and too upset to confront her dilemma. Standing up, she walked to the glass window and stared blankly at the outside world. Crossing her arms momentarily, she noticed the dark clouds forming in the sky outside her office.

"It's going to rain," Nicole said, the impending storm outside mirroring the turmoil within her.

She turned around and looked at Kate, who was watching her every move. Nicole remained seated, waiting for Kate to open the conversation. The air hung heavy with unspoken words.

"I am getting married," Nicole uttered slowly. Kate's eyes widened, giving her a questioning look.

"What?" Kate asked again, her surprise evident.

"I am getting married," Nicole stated again, this time emphasizing each word carefully.

Kate's eyes widened, not sure if she had heard correctly. "I didn't know you had a serious boyfriend; clearly, you are not happy," she sarcastically retorted.

"Exactly, I don't have a boyfriend of some sort," Nicole simply replied. She moved back to the couch and sat down; her legs crossed. Leaning back, she suddenly closed her eyes, not realizing how tired she was. For the past few days, she had barely slept or eaten. The weight of trying to figure out how to turn things around had taken its toll on her.

"I don't understand..." Kate said, utterly confused about what Nicole was saying.

"My father, he... he decided to arrange a marriage for me. It's a friend's son, and apparently, their ultimate plan is to unite the two families. He thought it would be the best for me and the business, and that's why he decided to push for it, giving me no choice," she explained, showing obvious defeat.

"That is absurd! Why do you allow him to control your life? If you don't want to marry a stranger, he shouldn't force it upon you!" Kate's outburst made Nicole smirk, her nostrils flared, and she even stood up, ready to put up a fight. Nicole almost chuckled at her reaction if she wasn't too tired.

"Easier said than done. What should I do? I don't want to be caged in a loveless commitment! I don't even know the guy, for Pete's sake!" Nicole exclaimed, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

Kate stopped momentarily and moved to the couch with her. The weight of the situation was clear, and Kate sat down, offering silent support.

"Aha!" Kate snapped her fingers midair. She automatically clasped their hands together and tapped Nicole's shoulder, a gesture of camaraderie and encouragement.

"I have an idea. What if you rebel? What if you flee somewhere where no one can find you, and you can give your father time to think this through?" Kate suggested, her eyes shining with a spark of defiance.

"I have thought of that. But where will I go? All our rest houses are owned by my father; he would find me in no time," Nicole questioned, feeling the burden of the limited options before her.

Kate smiled.

Nicole's anticipation was rising as she waited for Kate's words to be uttered, hoping for a potential solution.

Kate smirked, "I know a perfect place just for you," she stated, injecting a note of intrigue into her words.

Nicole stood there, staring at her assistant. Hope flickered in her heart. Maybe, just maybe, she could escape from this mess—away from her father and the stranger she was supposed to marry. She yearned to live her life the way she planned it, to be with the man her heart chose, not bound by her father's mandate. In that moment, she realized she was about to make a crucial decision, a gamble she was willing to take.

It might be uncertain, but it was the only way out for now. A daring choice that held the promise of her freedom. 

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